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SG Jon Diebler (2nd-Most Big Ten career 3-Pointers, Butler Recruiting Director)


Ohio State Sweeps Weekly Basketball Awards

Ohio State's Jon Diebler picks up the first Big Ten Player of the Week award of his career after leading the top-ranked Buckeyes to back-to-back wins last week, giving Ohio State the outright Big Ten title. Diebler set a school record and tied the Big Ten record in conference games with 10 three-pointers, scoring 30 points to push the Buckeyes to an 82-61 win at Penn State on Tuesday. The senior made 83 percent of his three-point attempts (10-12) and added five assists in the win. He then poured in 27 points on 8-for-10 shooting, going 7-for-8 from behind the arc in the Buckeyes' 93-65 win over No. 10 Wisconsin on Sunday. Diebler also posted six rebounds and four assists in the victory. With 355 three-pointers made in his career, Diebler holds the conference and school records in the category.
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I can remember watching Jon in a few games in high school and he would just get the ball and dribble it upcourt a few feet past the half-court line and let it fly. Someone went in and some did not but you can always tell that he had a stroke for the three and it was just a matter of time. I not only enjoy his three point shooting but he is also one of the most unselfish players on the team. Props to him:bow:
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Updated with recent results:
1. J.J. Redick, Duke................ 457
2. David Holston, Chicago St.... 450
3. Keydren Clark, St. Peter?s.... 435
4. Chris Lofton, Tennessee........ 431
5. Stephen Curry, Davidson....... 414 (Only played 3 years!)
6. Curtis Staples, Virginia......... 413
7. Jack Leasure, Coastal Caro.... 411
8. Keith Veney, Lamar/Marshall.. 409
9. Doug Day, Radford............... 401
10. Gerry McNamara, Syracuse... 400
11. Joe Zeglinski, Hartford........ 393 (season finished)
12. Michael Watson, UMKC......... 391
13. A.J. Abrams, Texas.............. 389
14. LaceDarius Dunn, Baylor..... 388
15. Robert Vaden, Indiana/UAB.... 379
t-16.Andrew Goudelock, CoChar. 378 (plays Dayton March 15)
t-16. Ronnie Schmitz, UMKC......... 378
17. Ryan Wittman, Cornell......... 377
18. Mark Alberts, Akron............. 375
t-20. Brett Blizzard, UNC Wilm.... 371
t-20. Kyle Korver, Creighton....... 371
22. Jaycee Carroll, Utah St......... 369
23. Shan Foster, Vanderbilt......... 367
24. Pat Bradley, Arkansas........... 366
25. Bryce Drew, Valparaiso......... 364
26. Jeff Fryer, Loyola Marymount.. 363
t-27. John Diebler, Ohio State....362
t-27. Will Whittington, Marist........362
28. Jimmy Baron, Rhode Island..... 361
29. Taquan Dean, Louisville.......... 359
30. Donald Sims, App. State.... 358

Possibility exists for Threebler to play up to 6 more NCAA games.
A steady average of 3 threes per game would put him in the top 15.
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A point of interest going into the tournament...

The most 3-point field goals in a single game was 11 by Jeff Fryer of Loyola Marymount in 1990 when they curb-stomped Michigan in 149-115. Yes, that score is not a typo.
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bkochmc;1891288; said:
A point of interest going into the tournament...

The most 3-point field goals in a single game was 11 by Jeff Fryer of Loyola Marymount in 1990 when they curb-stomped Michigan in 149-115. Yes, that score is not a typo.
For some reason, I can't equate that score to a curb stomping. Yeah you beat them by 34 but you also gave up 115 freakin' points. It'd be like if the Buckeyes put up 70 but gave up 50 in football.
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Systems_id;1891344; said:
For some reason, I can't equate that score to a curb stomping. Yeah you beat them by 34 but you also gave up 115 freakin' points. It'd be like if the Buckeyes put up 70 but gave up 50 in football.
L-M was a very high tempo and very efficient team on offense. Their defensive philosophy was to let the opposing team take easy shots so they could get the ball back. In their 4 tournament games their average score was 106-99. They scored 100+ in 3 of them and 62 against Alabama who slowed the game way down. With the style of ball they played I'd say putting up 149 and winning by 34 on anyone, let alone the defending national champions, would classify as a curb stomping.

EDIT: Just looked at their season scoring average... PPG:122.4, 1st in the nation. OPPG: 108.1, last in the nation. :lol:
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Steve19;1893482; said:
There are reports that Diebler left the venue last night with his right hand in heavy wraps. What's going on? Did he injure it?
bob baptist stated that diebler had an ice bag on his right hand. however, jon sought no attention when he went to the bench at the end of the game, and i don't think he was attended by a trainer. i've read a few of the post-game articles that included comments from him. none mentioned that he was wearing a wrap, which surely would have been news had it appeared as though he was injured. my guess is that it's a minor issue. we'll surely know by early afternoon at the latest if it's more than that.
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