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SG Jon Diebler (2nd-Most Big Ten career 3-Pointers, Butler Recruiting Director)

En fuego! Let's hope that continues through to the National Championship game. :wink:

Loved how in the post game interview Diebs talked about what a great group of guys he gets to play with. I just love the chemistry of this team. They have it all when the put it all together like today!

Go Bucks!
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GeorgiaBuck2;1884051; said:
Gus is growing on me. Love the excitement he shows. Probably the only announcer that doesn't sound like a complete moron when covering a college basketball game.

"Fear the fro.. HA HAAAAA"


I loved Gus today. He's a bit much sometimes, but it was perfect for the epic beatdown that happened today.

God has a Jon Diebler jersey. /on-topic
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Taosman;794034; said:
Diebler is very good.
But, Burson and Hornyack were better shooters! :biggrin:

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Updated with today's 3 point barrage:
1. J.J. Redick, Duke................ 457
2. David Holston, Chicago St.... 450
3. Keydren Clark, St. Peter?s.... 435
4. Chris Lofton, Tennessee........ 431
5. Stephen Curry, Davidson....... 414 (Only played 3 years!)
6. Curtis Staples, Virginia......... 413
7. Jack Leasure, Coastal Caro.... 411
8. Keith Veney, Lamar/Marshall.. 409
9. Doug Day, Radford............... 401
10. Gerry McNamara, Syracuse... 400
11. Joe Zeglinski, Hartford........ 393 (5th yr. eligible w/ 33 in short season)
12. Michael Watson, UMKC......... 391
13. A.J. Abrams, Texas.............. 389
14. LaceDarius Dunn, Baylor..... 387
15. Robert Vaden, Indiana/UAB... 379
16. Ronnie Schmitz, UMKC......... 378
17. Ryan Wittman, Cornell......... 377
18. Mark Alberts, Akron............. 375
19. Andrew Goudelock, CoChar... 374
t-20. Brett Blizzard, UNC Wilm.... 371
t-20. Kyle Korver, Creighton....... 371
22. Jaycee Carroll, Utah St......... 369
23. Shan Foster, Vanderbilt......... 367
24. Pat Bradley, Arkansas........... 366
25. Bryce Drew, Valparaiso......... 364
26. Jeff Fryer, Loyola Marymount.. 363
27. Will Whittington, Marist.......... 362
28. Jimmy Baron, Rhode Island..... 361
29. Taquan Dean, Louisville.......... 359
30. Donald Sims, App. State.... 358
Jon Diebler, The Good Guys.... 355
Austin Kenon, VMI................ 349
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OSU_Buckguy;1884134; said:
i'm an absolute idiot. i just noticed diebler's number. well, i knew his number. 33. that's obvious, but...

3... 3...


If it weren't for that silly rule book Diebler's jersey would just have a bunch of 3s going around the torso in a ring. When he arrived his freshman year he asked Matta if 3333333333 was available.
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