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SG Jon Diebler (2nd-Most Big Ten career 3-Pointers, Butler Recruiting Director)

So I started calculating this and I gave up but I think Jon Diebler might have close to the most 3 pointers in the country since the NCAA moved back the line to 20' 9" prior to the 2008-2009 season. Diebler currently sits at 300, while LaceDarius Dunn from Baylor has 310. I haven't found any other players with more than Diebler. Anyone feel like finishing the search?
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mross34;1881791; said:
So I started calculating this and I gave up but I think Jon Diebler might have close to the most 3 pointers in the country since the NCAA moved back the line to 20' 9" prior to the 2008-2009 season. Diebler currently sits at 300, while LaceDarius Dunn from Baylor has 310. I haven't found any other players with more than Diebler. Anyone feel like finishing the search?

Well, if you only made it as far as 'Baylor', I'd say no.


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mross34;1881791; said:
So I started calculating this and I gave up but I think Jon Diebler might have close to the most 3 pointers in the country since the NCAA moved back the line to 20' 9" prior to the 2008-2009 season. Diebler currently sits at 300, while LaceDarius Dunn from Baylor has 310. I haven't found any other players with more than Diebler. Anyone feel like finishing the search?

I think this is the top-5 for 3-point FGs since the start of the 2008-09 season, as of today.

310 - LaceDarius Dunn, Baylor
300 - John Diebler, tOSU
296 - Andrew Goudelock, College of Charleston
289 - Donald Sims, Appalachian State
286 - Austin Kenon, VMI
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It's a little late to get this going, but with a potential 10 games left (Wisconsin to close out the regular season, 3 Big 10 tournament games, and 6 NCAA tourney games), Jon Diebler has a chance to climb up the list of top 3-point shooters in NCAA history. Here's how it stands right now:

1. J.J. Redick, Duke................ 457
2. David Holston, Chicago St.... 450
3. Keydren Clark, St. Peter?s.... 435
4. Chris Lofton, Tennessee........ 431
5. Stephen Curry, Davidson....... 414 (Only played 3 years!)
6. Curtis Staples, Virginia......... 413
7. Jack Leasure, Coastal Caro.... 411
8. Keith Veney, Lamar/Marshall.. 409
9. Doug Day, Radford............... 401
10. Gerry McNamara, Syracuse... 400
11. Joe Zeglinski, Hartford........ 392 (5th yr. eligible w/ 33 in short season)
12. Michael Watson, UMKC......... 391
13. A.J. Abrams, Texas.............. 389
14. LaceDarius Dunn, Baylor..... 384
15. Robert Vaden, Indiana/UAB... 379
16. Ronnie Schmitz, UMKC......... 378
17. Ryan Wittman, Cornell......... 377
18. Mark Alberts, Akron............. 375
t-19. Brett Blizzard, UNC Wilm.... 371
t-19. Kyle Korver, Creighton....... 371
t-21. Andrew Goudelock, CoChar.. 369
t-21. Jaycee Carroll, Utah St......... 369
23. Shan Foster, Vanderbilt......... 367
24. Pat Bradley, Arkansas........... 366
25. Bryce Drew, Valparaiso......... 364
26. Jeff Fryer, Loyola Marymount.. 363
27. Will Whittington, Marist.......... 362
28. Jimmy Baron, Rhode Island..... 361
29. Taquan Dean, Louisville.......... 359
And then we have:
Jon Diebler, The Good Guys.... 348

Two guys who will rise along with Diebler:
Donald Sims, App. State........ 356
Austin Kenon, VMI................ 343

Bold and Blue denotes an active player.

Diebler has averaged about three made 3's a game this season. If he can continue that through another ten games, that would place him at 378 for his career, tied for 16th of all time.

App State and VMI will not make the NCAA tournament and App State will likely not make the NIT, so Diebler should be able to stay ahead of both Sims and Kenon. College of Charleston and Baylor likely have a good bit of basketball left to play so it looks like Dunn and Goudelock will stay ahead of Diebler. That would make Diebler the 17th most prolific 3 point shooter in NCAA history. Not bad for a kid who shot 28.9% from 3 his freshman year.
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They should keep separate lists for guys who played 4 years at mid-major schools and never made/got a W in the NCAA tourney and then players who actually played on good and/or BCS teams.

Then the career 3-point list would be like this:
JJ Redick
Chris Lofton
Stephen Curry
Curtis Staples
Gerry McNamara
AJ Abrams
LaceDarius Dunn
Robert Vaden
Ryan Wittman
Kyle Korver
Shan Foster
Pat Bradley
Bryce Drew
Jeff Fryer
Taquan Dean

^^ the list looks a lot better when you clean out the guys who put up big numbers on bad teams.
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Oh8ch;1881950; said:
Games are won or lost down the stretch.

What if OSU had been trailing by two last night when Thriebler missed that last shot? We lose.

We need a shooter we can rely on.
what really confused me in this hypothetical is that matta replaced diebler with eddie days. sometimes i don't understand matta's substitution decisions. we hypothetically lost because matta went with a player who has been on the court for only 12 minutes all season.

please understand that i mean no offense to eddie. however, if he really works on his game, he'll force diebler into getting no minutes next season.
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Oh8ch;1881950; said:
Games are won or lost down the stretch.

What if OSU had been trailing by two last night when Thriebler missed that last shot? We lose.

We need a shooter we can rely on.
I thought it was fairly obvious that Matta was furious with Diebler's miss. He benched him immediately afterward.
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Hopefully Diebs' Big Ten record will stand for a long time. I think he'll have it for at least 15 years - the comparatively slow tempo and tough D of the Big Ten (combined with the trend towards early entries) will make it unlikely for anybody in the B10 to make 350 three-pointers.
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