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SG Jon Diebler (2nd-Most Big Ten career 3-Pointers, Butler Recruiting Director)

Dating back to the Jerry Lucas era in the early 1960s, Ohio State has always been the beneficiary of being in an area where high school sports still resonate, elite prospects are traditionally well-coached and all roads lead to Columbus. Jon Diebler, the Buckeyes' 6-6 senior guard, has no problems remembering the directions to campus from Upper Sandusky High School. "There are a lot of good basketball schools in Ohio," he said. "But Ohio State is kind of a dream come true if you're an Ohio kid. Growing up in that state, it's all you know: Ohio State Buckeyes. It's a way of life. I had my Buckeye room all decked out when I was younger."

Diebler, whose father Keith coached him in high school, averaged 41.2 points as a senior and scored more points in his prep career than Ohio legends Lucas, Jimmy Jackson and LeBron James. He has created his own Scarlet and Gray legacy, breaking the Big Ten's career record for three-pointers this season.

If his performance against Penn State is any indication, there are signs that Jonny "Three-bler," the best pure shooter in the league, may be saving his best moments for his last Big Dance.

Diebler has had plenty of time to work on his game. Throughout elementary school, he was a manager for his father's team. "I used to get into trouble all the time because I wouldn't be doing my work," he said. "I'd be over on the side baskets putting up shots."

That experience and competing against his two older brothers - Jeremiah, who played for Lindsay Wilson, an NAIA school, and Jake, who played for Homer Drew at Valparaiso - has paid off big time.

"We'd get up thousands of shots," Jon Diebler said. "I get asked all the time: 'Who's the best shooter in your family?' " I'd say it's me, but, you ask my two brothers and my father and you might get a different answer."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/c..._with_jared_sullinger_jon_.html#ixzz1FXRwLgzd

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zlfMuwVZ2w"]YouTube - Jon Diebler Talks About Record-Setting Night[/ame]
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Luke Winn is awesome.


Jon Diebler is the most prolific three-point shooter in the history of the Big Ten, having made 348 treys in his 13-year career (or maybe four-year career) with the Buckeyes. Inspired by his 10-trey game at Penn State on March 1, I decided to plot out Diebler's 97 Big Ten three-point attempts from this season in the same style as the "Who's Feeding Jared?" graphic, to see what we could learn. I found 94 of the treys in Synergy's individual-game shot chart data (three were mysteriously missing, but the sample is solid), and made a 17-game, conference composite, then divided it into five floor zones:


Some of you will recall that Diebler is also Jared Sullinger's best post-feeder, and it's not shocking that Diebler is most accurate from the portion of the floor (zones 4 and 5) where he plays his two-man game with Sullinger. What is surprising is just how lethal Diebler is (a 71.4 percent shooter!) from the right corner. Leaving him open is never a good idea, but when he's in that zone, it's a death wish.
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Inspired by his 10-trey game at Penn State on March 1, I decided to plot out Diebler's 97 Big Ten three-point attempts from this season in the same style as the "Who's Feeding Jared?" graphic (and to see if ESPN will rip this one off too), to see what we could learn.
Fixed for Luke
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Three-bler Leaves Indelible Mark

March 02, 2011
Early on it was easy to see that top-ranked Ohio State was intent to take advantage of size mismatches at guard against upset-minded Penn State Tuesday night.
 So the 6-5 William Buford went to work by turning and scoring on a post-up play to put the Buckeyes on the board, 6-6 Jon Diebler connected on a three over top of a scrambling defender and Buford tallied again off a back-to-the-basket play.

The Buckeyes were up 7-2 and on their way offensively. The faucet was flowing.

Buford hit a turnaround on the baseline, center Dallas Lauderdale threw down an alley-oop dunk off a lob from David Lighty, Jared Sullinger caught a bullet from Buford and nimbly scored down low.

And that?s when the sideshow truly began. With the Buckeyes already looking comfortable and leading 13-8, Aaron Craft took off in transition, fired a pass to Diebler and the senior splashed another three to up the count to 16-8.

The trey gave the Upper Sandusky, Ohio, product 340 made threes in his Ohio State career, one more than former Michigan guard Louis Bullock. Diebler officially broke the Big Ten record when he nailed triple No. 333 at Purdue Feb. 20 and went past former Penn State sharpshooter Pete Lisicky (332) because Bullock had to vacate his record when the Michigan program was hit with NCAA sanctions a few years ago.


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The marathon man


In high school, Diebler ran cross country to get in shape for basketball. It was time well spent, as it turned out.

A few weeks ago, he said, his grandmother told him, "I would love to have something on your shoe to see how many miles you run in a game."

The kid who scored more points in high school than any other Ohio player, who has made more three-pointers than anyone else in Big Ten history, also has logged more minutes than any other Ohio State player - including Lighty, who has played in more games.

"I don't really get tired that much during games," said Diebler, who has averaged 36.3 minutes the past three seasons. "It goes back to how well we've prepared ourselves in the offseason" with coach Dave Richardson's strength and conditioning regimen.

Days after games are a different story.

"We're feeling it a little bit in practice," Diebler said. "People give us a rough time. They call Dave and I the old men. They're like, 'Get loose, old man,' because it will take us about half an hour to get loose."

By the next game, though, Diebler is raring to go again. Tired legs are the first thing to betray a shooter, but Diebler's field-goal percentage has risen each season.

This season, he has made 50 percent of his attempts, the best of any guard in the Big Ten, and a league-high 49.4 percent of his three-pointers.

"Watching him evolve as a player from four years ago has been amazing," Matta said.

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Bucky Katt;1883941; said:
Way to drag down the team's 3 point shooting percentage today, Jon. :shake:

EDIT - I just skimmed through the game thread and have to give props to bkochmc for calling him out on it earlier. :lol:
Someone had to call him out, he's killing the team 3-point percentage!!!1!1!!!
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