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SG Jon Diebler (2nd-Most Big Ten career 3-Pointers, Butler Recruiting Director)

I'm so happy for Jon, he made huge strides from last year. He let the game come to him and it showed, his junior season will be even better I think, he can only improve, and this team will be so dangerous next year, hopefully BJ comes back, and ET!
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OSU athlete was gracious to fans
May 17, 2009

Have you ever been somewhere when people spot a celebrity or well-known person and then proceed to either stare at them or inundate them with requests for autographs or just ask questions in general?

Last Saturday evening my husband, Jim, and I were having dinner in one of the local restaurants. As soon as we sat down, I recognized Jon Diebler in the booth across from ours and quietly mentioned it to Jim. He appeared to be having dinner with his parents.

Shortly thereafter at least a half dozen folks stopped by asking for autographs. Diebler, in case you are not an Ohio State fan, played on the Buckeye basketball team - the slender one who was known for making three-pointers.

I was impressed with Jon as he quietly put down his fork and let his dinner get cold to fulfill their requests. As Jon and his table got up to leave, Jim and I wished him success in his junior year at Ohio State to which he replied a grateful "thank you" and a look that said "what, you're not asking for my autograph?"

OSU athlete was gracious to fans | marionstar.com | The Marion Star
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The country's top 50 shooters in 2009-10
by Jeff Goodman
Updated: October 12, 2009

A year ago, the answer to the question of "Who is the best shooter in the country?" was fairly consistent.

Stephen Curry.

This season, there isn't necessarily a consensus player, but we feel confident that our No. 1 guy has no peer in terms of making shots from deep.

Top 50 shooters


Jon Diebler. (Andy Lyons / Getty Images)

10. Jon Diebler, 6-6, 205, SG, Jr., Ohio State: He was terrible from deep as a freshman, but that changed last season as he made 42 percent of his threes (96-of-231), which was second in the Big Ten in makes and fourth in percentage. He shot .455 percent in league games and converted five or more trifectas eight times last season.

"He has tremendous work ethic. He gets up a ton of shots before and after practice. He's got very good size, and I think he's deceptively athletic. His size allows him to shoot over smaller guys." ? Ohio State coach Thad Matta

The country's top 50 shooters in 2009-10 - CBK News - FOX Sports on MSN
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LitlBuck;1565450; said:
Boy, if he shoots like the 10th best in the we will be very good, we will be very good this season with the rest of the firepower that we have on the roster.

Well, we've all been waiting for Diebs to be that type of shooter. Here's hoping we see him light it up this year!
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jimotis4heisman;1565455; said:
he shot what, 42% from 3land last year? that being said on your statement i still dont see it. a good team, sure. a tough "out", sure. im just not convinced about the point or the post.
I don't want to hijack JD's thread so I can will take this to the main thread.
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I will state the obvious and say that he might rank #2 in three point shooting tomorrow morning and not tomorrow it sure will be by the end of next week:) He could be very close to the #1 spot by the end of this season. Would like to see his percentage kid up over 40 but a lot of those misses came during his freshman year.
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I know there are some guys that don't think that Diebler does much for this team and that his defense is not very good. I tend to disagree with that because of the fact that most teams are paying so much attention to him because of his shot that it opens up space for some of the other guys on the team. Also, regarding his defense, I know that he is not the quickest guy on the court but a lot of times he will try and help out one of his teammates and doesn't get back to his man soon enough and so it looks like he is playing bad defense. I also think being the son of a coach he brings a lot out basketball knowledge to the court.
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