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SG Jon Diebler (2nd-Most Big Ten career 3-Pointers, Butler Recruiting Director)

Diebler's right wrist not broken but status uncertain

Jon Diebler has had his right wrist X-rayed twice in the past 24 hours and it is immobilized in a splint, coach Thad Matta said today when asked about the junior guard rubbing the wrist after falling on it late in the win at Illinois on Sunday.

"It was not broken," Matta said during the Big Ten coaches teleconference. "We X-rayed it last night when we got back and then they did another X-ray today and the X-ray was negative. They?ve got him in a splint immobilizing it today, but everything is full go and hopefully, as the day wears on, we?ll get him in for treatment and more movement."

Asked if he expected Diebler to be able to play Wednesday against No.4 Purdue, Matta did not directly answer the question. A team spokesman said more on Diebler's condition and status will be known Tuesday.

Diebler fell backward when run into by a driving Demetri McCamey with 5:50 left in Sunday's game, videotape of the game showed. He put both hands down to brace himself from hitting the floor and got up with no apparent injury.

Several times in the next few minutes, though, Diebler could be seen holding his right wrist _ specifically, the area below his right thumb _ with his left hand. He missed the only two shots he attempted after that, a three-pointer at 5:28 and a free throw at 3:21, before he was removed from the game with 2:03 remaining.

Diebler's right wrist not broken but status uncertain (Hoops & Scoops: an OSU basketball blog)
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Diebler: 'Hopefully, he's going to be fine'

On his call-in show tonight on WBNS radio, coach Thad Matta sounded optimistic that Jon Diebler will be available to play Wednesday night against Purdue.

Diebler suffered a right wrist sprain against Illinois on Sunday and had the wrist in a splint today.

"After I left the gym today, he started shooting again," Matta said of Diebler. "Hopefully, he?s going to be fine."

Diebler: 'Hopefully, he's going to be fine' (Hoops & Scoops: an OSU basketball blog)
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Article published March 14, 2010
Diebler sets school career 3-point record in victory

INDIANAPOLIS - In the first possession of the second overtime in yesterday's Big Ten semifinal win over Illinois, Ohio State's Jon Diebler nailed a 3-pointer from the top of the key. The Buckeyes, who had been unable to shake the Illini all day, never trailed again.

The shot put Ohio State (26-7) ahead to stay, and it put Diebler in the record book as the most prolific scorer from outside the arc in OSU history.

Diebler's triple in that decisive second overtime gave him 243 for his career, passing Jamar Butler who had 242.

Diebler said the record hardly mattered at the time.

"That's great, to get the record and all, but at the time all I could think about was that we needed the points," the junior guard said.

"We had been going back and forth with Illinois all afternoon and I just felt like we needed to hit a couple of shots to get a little run going and get some room. I missed a couple earlier that I thought were in, so it felt good to hit one when we needed it most."

Diebler had four triples in the win over Illinois, giving him 99 this season. His personal best had been 96, which was set last season.

"I think Jon Diebler is a tremendous basketball player, and a lot of times throughout his career, he's gone very unnoticed," Ohio State coach Thad Matta said about Diebler, who played his high school basketball at Fostoria and Upper Sandusky, and is Ohio's career scoring leader. "But he doesn't care, he just wants to win. I love that about him."

toledoblade.com -- The Blade ~ Toledo Ohio
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Buckskin86;1673405; said:
"I think Jon Diebler is a tremendous basketball player, and a lot of times throughout his career, he's gone very unnoticed," Ohio State coach Thad Matta said about Diebler, who played his high school basketball at Fostoria and Upper Sandusky, and is Ohio's career scoring leader. "But he doesn't care, he just wants to win. I love that about him."

Sometimes Jon gets overlooked, but he has been an amazing Buckeye.
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Diebler: I Feel Good Now
By Brandon Castel

It turns out there are two-sport bugs.

During football season this past fall, a number of Ohio State?s players missed action because of a flu bug that hit the team in the middle of the year.


Jon Diebler has spent more time throwing up and less time throwing passes this week.
Photo by Jim Davidson

Tuesday OSU basketball player Jon Diebler was absent from practice because of a bug that had him vomiting so loud the night before that it woke his roommate, who also happens to run point for the Buckeyes on the hardwood.

?It wasn't too exciting. My older brother was staying and around 9 (p.m.) I started puking, and (Evan Turner) was sleeping and he thought it was my older brother,? Diebler said Wednesday during interviews.

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