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SG Jon Diebler (2nd-Most Big Ten career 3-Pointers, Butler Recruiting Director)

The team as a whole needs to do a better job of getting Jon in the game early on. He's been fairly quiet the last few games and that should never happen. He's still contributing and guys like Lighty are really stepping up, but as far as a pure shooter goes its Diebler and Jon has to get the other team very conscious of him early to open Lighty, Buford and PJ's games.
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Bestbuck36;1625274; said:
The team as a whole needs to do a better job of getting Jon in the game early on. He's been fairly quiet the last few games and that should never happen. He's still contributing and guys like Lighty are really stepping up, but as far as a pure shooter goes its Diebler and Jon has to get the other team very conscious of him early to open Lighty, Buford and PJ's games.
I'm going to differ a bit here. The "team" doesn't need to do a better job of finding Diebler IMO. The problem is that Diebler feeds so well off Turner, because opposing teams cannot put extreme pressure on two Buckeyes at the same time; they must pick their poison, and it's typically Turner whom they will focus attention on. Without Evan in the game, opposing teams recognize that Diebler is the one Buckeye who, if left open, can kill them.

Watch opposing defenses, and you'll see Diebler is hounded like the US Army hounded Saddam Hussein. He's not able to free himself to get shots as is Turner, and it requires almost a 3-man screen to get him an opening. Unless Lighty can prove himself a reliable high-scoring threat, I see Diebs as being limited until Turner is back.
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I've met Diebs a couple of times and he is just a regular dude. He's a very popular kid on campus, but he doesn't drink or smoke and doesn't let the attention get to his head. He sucks at NCAA 2010 seeing how he was Miami and I beat him with Baylor but he took his defeat like a champ. It's always cool interacting with guys that you would expect to be all high and mighty and finding out they're actually just regular dudes.
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The problem is that Diebler feeds so well off Turner, because opposing teams cannot put extreme pressure on two Buckeyes at the same time; they must pick their poison, and it's typically Turner whom they will focus attention on.

Exactly. Diebler is not the sort of player who can be your #1 weapon at this level of competition. But he can be a remarkable player as a second or third choice.

Thomas and Sullinger on the floor next season will be perfect for him.

And if by some miracle Turner is here as well - look out for that NC run.
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I guess that almost everyone is in agreement but the fact that it is getting very difficult for Diebler to find open looks without Turner.

Jon Diebler is the one player who has missed most the extra attention Turner draws. Averging 16.6 points before his roommate was sidelined, Diebler has scored in single digits three of the past four games as opponents have locked their best defenders on him. The Buckeyes have shown good ball movement and made open shots against zone defenses, but their efficiency sometimes suffers against man-to-man because they don't have anyone besides Lighty and Buford capable of breaking down a defender off the dribble.
Bob Baptist
OSU Insider | BuckeyeXtra
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Man was it nice to see JD come back with Turner's return. Jon averages about 10ppg with Turner out, and 17.5ppg with him in. It makes such a huge difference for him to get those open looks. 21 points last night on
5-8 from beyond the arc.
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I agree that Deibs had a lot of trouble without ET but so did everyone else. When no one else can create at ET's level we lose.

Diebs and Buford got the points and Lighty scored less.
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PtownBuckeye;1637224; said:
Man was it nice to see JD come back with Turner's return. Jon averages about 10ppg with Turner out, and 17.5ppg with him in. It makes such a huge difference for him to get those open looks. 21 points last night on
5-8 from beyond the arc.

some of those shots he makes when he comes off picks amaze me. he can catch, face and shoot so fast.
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even though he didn't score a ton tonight, i liked how he showed the ball and then got into the paint on several ocasions. If defenses think he can take it to the rack, it just makes him a more effective shooter.:oh:
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OSUBasketballJunkie;1643803; said:
Diebs has been solid so far................I just wish he would be a little more "crafty" when he is working to get open............someone needs to show him some film of Jay Burson and how he got to his spots on the floor........

one more thing.....

It would help if anyone besides turner would wait for a play to develop before reversing the ball. There have been countless occasions where Diebs is working off a double screen and the ball is reversed before he is even off the second pick. Diebs needs his teammates to score more than anyone in recent OSU history. Being patient on offense is the key.
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He did a great job on Bohannon, too. He had to leave his man to help on a drive when the pick was played poorly by DL and ET, and the other 3 Bohannon made right in his face. I'm still concerned in regards to the amount of minutes he (and others) are playing. You can definitely see the feet dragging down the stretch and can especially see it in close out on shooters.
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BASKETBALL - Jon Diebler moving up the charts in threes at Ohio State

By MICHAEL GRECO - Reflector Sports Editor | Tuesday February 02 2010

COLUMBUS ? Northern Ohio League and area fans watched Jon Diebler become the state?s all-time leading scorer.

Upper Sandusky, led by Jon and Jake Diebler and Greg Micheli, won the Division II state title in 2005 and reached the championship game in 2007.

Diebler scored 48 points in Upper?s 87-85 loss to Dayton Dunbar in 2007.

Now, Diebler is two and a a half years into his time as a guard with The Ohio State University Buckeyes men?s basketball team.

?I?ve loved every bit of it,?? the junior said after scoring 19 points in Sunday?s 85-63 win over the University of Minnesota at Value City Arena. ?I?ve love being around my teammates.??

Norwalk Reflector | Sports | BASKETBALL - Jon Diebler moving up the charts in threes at Ohio State
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