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SG Jon Diebler (2nd-Most Big Ten career 3-Pointers, Butler Recruiting Director)

Tlangs;1834871; said:
My favorite part about the Big 10 3 point record is that a Michigan player had it but it was vacated....ahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha

Louis Bullock had 339 treys. Hopefully Diebs can pass that number (hit 49 more instead of 41 more) so there is no doubt.
I imagine Diebs will pass Bullock before the season ends, to become the undisputed leader in threes.

On a separate note, Bullock is one of the few Michigan players through the years that I honestly enjoyed watching. (LaVell Blanchard completes the list.) Sweet, sweet stroke.
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Bill Lucas;1835470; said:
Back to Aaron Craft. I'm tired of the Diebler shouldn't start crap which is just what it is.
Right on the money. This has been an issue since he was a freshman. If you look back in this thread there were quite a few Diebler doubters. He is not a in the face defensive player but he is a very intelligent one and helps out his teammates quite a bit and sometimes pays the piper because his man will get left open. He might not be a highflying shotblocking player but he is a very intelligent defensive.

With regard to his offense even when he is having a bad day, the opposing coach is not going to tell is players to let Diebler alone because he can catch fire during the middle of a game at once he catches fire watch out.

Maybe Diebler is not appreciated because he is not a athletic highflying player but he is a very knowledgeable basketball player. Perhaps not the athlete of some on this team but the best shooter by far.
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LitlBuck;1835512; said:
Right on the money. This has been an issue since he was a freshman. If you look back in this thread there were quite a few Diebler doubters. He is not a in the face defensive player but he is a very intelligent one and helps out his teammates quite a bit and sometimes pays the piper because his man will get left open. He might not be a highflying shotblocking player but he is a very intelligent defensive.

With regard to his offense even when he is having a bad day, the opposing coach is not going to tell is players to let Diebler alone because he can catch fire during the middle of a game at once he catches fire watch out.

Maybe Diebler is not appreciated because he is not a athletic highflying player but he is a very knowledgeable basketball player. Perhaps not the athlete of some on this team but the best shooter by far.

Diebler is a lot more athletic than he gets credit for. With guys like Turner, Bufford, and Lighty, there is no need for Diebler to be the slasher. In high school, he was not a catch and shoot guy. He got a ton of points of the dribble and he can elevate. Also, he rarely gets beat on defense and I beleive is a lot quicker defensively than Bufford or Turner were.
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Wont show up in the box score but Diebs had a great game against Ash-UNC. I loved seeing him use his pump fake to flex his mid range game instead of settling for a threes. I hope he demo's that more. When he's aggressive like that it adds so much to his game. And his defense was on point as well. Lots of deflections and tips that didn't result in steals but slowed the offense. All in all NICE.
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Jan 3, 2011
Ohio State sniper Jon Diebler is a national championship X-factor
By Austin Burton


Contrary to popular belief, Ohio State was not a one-man team last season. Evan Turner cleaned up on National Player of the Year awards like Lauryn Hill at the Grammys, but Mr. Do-It-All didn?t really have to do it all for the Buckeyes during their run to the Sweet Sixteen.

One member of that overlooked supporting cast was Jon Diebler, now a senior two-guard on an OSU squad that is 14-0 and ranked No. 2 in the country. Diebler (12.4 ppg) is hitting 51 percent of his treys this season as part of the crew surrounding freshman superstar big man Jared Sullinger. In the Big Ten opener at Indiana over the weekend, Diebler scored 15 points on 5-for-5 shooting beyond the arc. Here, he talks about how the deep threat will make his team a serious threat in the NCAA Tournament:

?We feel we?re a very good basketball team. Last year Evan had the ball 85 percent of the time, which was fine because he was that good. He was the best player in the country. Now, not having that one do-it-all guy changes the look of our team. You go down the line, and we?re very talented with a lot of guys who can fill pieces of Evan?s role. We have the option of going big with Jared and Dallas (Lauderdale) and DeShaun Thomas, or going small with four guards on the court and spreading the floor.


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I can remember a few years ago when JD was not appreciated in this thread by some people. He was just too good of a ballplayer in high school to think that sooner or later he would catch on to the college game.
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BengalsAndBucks;1847047; said:
Diebs is currently #1 in the country on Ken Pomeroy's list of players nationally based on Offensive Rating, and is second in the country in Effective FG% and True Shooting percentage.

I love Deibs, and to average 50+% from three (and he doesn't take many other kinds of shots) makes him very, very efficient from a pts/shot standpoint... very cool


I don't have a clue what these numbers mean, but DeShaun is also number 2 under a different criteria (assuming less minutes or something like that)...
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[quote='BusNative;184706;9]I love Deibs, and to average 50+% from three (and he doesn't take many other kinds of shots) makes him very, very efficient from a pts/shot standpoint... very cool


I don't have a clue what these numbers mean, but DeShaun is also number 2 under a different criteria (assuming less minutes or something like that)...[/quote]
You are not the only one:! except for the fact they are put in categories based on the number of minutes played.
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They say that they are number of minutes played, but that is inaccurate. It is actually number of possessions that they are "used". I am not sure what exactly that entails under Pomeroy's definition, and I don't have the time to check right now. But Deshaun is second when the criteria is 40%+ of possessions used, and Diebs is first if there is no minimum criteria.
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LitlBuck;1847066; said:
I can remember a few years ago when JD was not appreciated in this thread by some people. He was just too good of a ballplayer in high school to think that sooner or later he would catch on to the college game.
I didn't appreciate Diebler as a freshman, because he wasn't playing very well. Boy, did that change. Incredible improvement in his four years wearing scarlet and gray.

Some of that is no doubt a result of better team chemistry (it was awful his first two years here, no fault of his), but mostly a function of Diebler's own hard work. Great guy, great Buckeye, great teammate.
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MaxBuck;1847398; said:
I didn't appreciate Diebler as a freshman, because he wasn't playing very well. Boy, did that change. Incredible improvement in his four years wearing scarlet and gray.

Some of that is no doubt a result of better team chemistry (it was awful his first two years here, no fault of his), but mostly a function of Diebler's own hard work. Great guy, great Buckeye, great teammate.

The crazy thing about his shooting struggles as a freshman is that the 3 point line moved back before his sophmore year when he started lighting it up. I guess he was just shooting from too close. :)
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Diebler deserves major props:bow: for the defense to put on Hoffarber yesterday. There were times during the game when Hoffarber just stood in the corner plus there were many times when Diebler did not turn away from him to see what was going on. It might not be as athletic as Lighty but it give him an assignment and it gets done.
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