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SG Jon Diebler (2nd-Most Big Ten career 3-Pointers, Butler Recruiting Director)

Tlangs;1863603; said:
I'm giving my Player of the Game award to Diebler. 13 points, 8 rebounds, and 6 assists.

Awesome game.
he did have an awesome game with those types of numbers but the best play that he made was when one of our guys was shooting a free throw and everyone thought it was a 2 shots and JT realized that it was just a one plus one and the ball bounced in the lane and he picked it up for in easy two:)
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LitlBuck;1863916; said:
he did have an awesome game with those types of numbers but the best play that he made was when one of our guys was shooting a free throw and everyone thought it was a 2 shots and JT realized that it was just a one plus one and the ball bounced in the lane and he picked it up for in easy two:)

Tressel suited up for the basketball team? :wink2:
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LitlBuck;1863916; said:
he did have an awesome game with those types of numbers but the best play that he made was when one of our guys was shooting a free throw and everyone thought it was a 2 shots and JT realized that it was just a one plus one and the ball bounced in the lane and he picked it up for in easy two:)

Close....He grabbed the rebound and got fouled as he shot. Hit his FT's tho....:biggrin:
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Ohio State's Jon Diebler offering Buckeyes more than just his record-setting 3-point shot
Published: Sunday, February 06, 2011
By Doug Lesmerises, The Plain Dealer

Paul Vernon / Associated Press
Ohio State's Jon Diebler is just seven 3-pointers away from moving to the top of the Big Ten's all-time career total of made treys. "I take a lot of pride in the fact that defenses don't want to leave me," he said.

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. -- Pete Lisicky hadn't caught much of Jon Diebler in action, blaming faulty Internet connections in Europe during an 11-year overseas basketball career that took him from the elite Italian League to a professional games in Switzerland that were "like a church league -- in a church basement."

The former Penn State shooter is back stateside now, working for a financial company in Scottsdale, Ariz. So he's seen the player about to break his all-time Big Ten record for 3-pointers, a fact of which Lisicky's friends are eager to remind him.

Lisicky made 332 between 1994 and 1998, and Diebler has 325 entering Sunday's game at Minnesota.

"It's looking pretty grim," Lisicky said with a laugh during a phone interview Saturday. "I'll tell you, it looks like he plays a heck of a lot more defense than I ever played. He does some little things that I either never did or never got credit for doing."

Before he boarded the team charter for a flight to Minnesota on Saturday, Diebler said that while he'd prefer to be known as a good teammate and a guy who helped out in the community, he knows his 3-point shooting is probably what Ohio State fans will remember him for.

"That's why they call me Threebler," he said.

Sure, high school coach Keith Diebler used to take his sons to practice in the gym at 5:30 every morning before school started, times when Jake Diebler said the rest of the family had to beg his younger brother to work on anything but his 3-point shooting. Yes, teammate David Lighty said when he first met Ohio's all-time leading high school scorer, he expected him to "come in and score 50 points a game, like in high school."

Big Ten career 3-point leaders

* 1. 332 ? Pete Lisicky, Penn State 1994-98
* 2. 331 ? Shawn Respert, Michigan State 1991-95
* 3. 327 ? Cory Bradford, Illinois 1998-2002
* 4. 325 ? Jon Diebler, Ohio State 2008-present
* 5. 320 ? Craig Moore, Northwestern 2006-09
* 6. 308 ? Joe Crispin, Penn State 1998-2001
* 7. 299 ? Dee Brown, Illinois 2002-06
* 8. 283 ? A.J. Guyton, Indiana 1997-2000
* 9. 271 ? Drew Neitzel, Michigan State 2004-08
* 10. 268 ? Dion Harris, Michigan 2003-07

Note: Michigan?s Louis Bullock actually made the most 3-pointers in Big Ten history, with 339 from 1996-99, but NCAA sanctions wiped out Michigan records from three of those seasons.

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Before he boarded the team charter for a flight to Minnesota on Saturday, Diebler said that while he'd prefer to be known as a good teammate and a guy who helped out in the community, he knows his 3-point shooting is probably what Ohio State fans will remember him for.
In this instance, I think Threebler :wink: might be wrong. I think everyone who knows basketball can see that he is a excellent team player and a all around good basketball player. I think almost any team in the country would welcome him with open arms:bow:
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