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SF William Buford - 4 BTT Title Games, most Buckeye starts (Virtus Roma - Italy)

Long goodbye

William Buford was still in his OSU uniform past midnight, an hour after the game ended, as if he didn't want to take if off for the final time.

"It's over -- my last college game for me," Buford said in a tone of disbelief. "I've been playing college basketball for four years and now it's over. It's crazy."

Buford scored 19 points last night to finished his career with 1,990 -- tying Jerry Lucas for third place on OSU's all-time scoring list.He surpassed Kelvin Ransey as the school's all-time leader in field goal attempts (1,689).

"I don't know if I can put into words what he's meant to this program," Matta said. "I watched him mature, watched him grow as a person, watched him grow as a player. I'm proud of him. I'm happy for him. He's helped us build this basketball program into something special."

Questions about his poor shooting have followed William Buford like a bloodhound of late, but the Ohio State senior guard took the queries in stride heading into last night. He said all he cared about was winning.

Buford had been mired in an offensive slump since he scored 25 and hit the game-winning shot against Michigan State in the regular season finale.

The Toledo native entered the Kansas game having made only 25 of 78 shots (32 percent) in three Big Ten tournament games and four NCAA tournament games. He had made just 12 of 44 three-point attempts (27 percent) in the nine games before last night.

Buford found his shooting stroke against the Jayhawks. He made six of 10 shots from the field -- including three of five three-pointers -- and all four of his free throw attempts to finish with a team-high 19 points. He also grabbed seven rebounds.

"I'm happy we made it this far, but I would have loved to have made it to the championship game," Buford said. "Hopefully I can go down as one of the greatest ever to play at Ohio State, If that would be my legacy, that would be great."

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Ohio State's Buford still cool after painful loss
Apr. 3, 2012
Written by
Rob McCurdy

NEW ORLEANS -- William Buford is a tough guy to read. Stoicism does that.

The lone senior basketball Buckeye, he never seemed excitable in good times nor flustered in bad. Hot hand or Jack Frost nipping at his fingers, Buford rarely let on if anything was troubling him.

Saturday night in his final game, Buford still looked cool sitting at his locker. He smiled slightly when asked if he had a minute to speak.

However, the eyes gave him away before he answered the question.

This loss hurt.

"It's real difficult knowing I can't play college basketball again," Buford said. "I'm proud of this team. Everybody doubted us from the beginning of the season and said we'd never make it this far. I'm real proud of where we ended up. I wish we would have made it to Monday (and the national championship game against Kentucky), but we still had a good season."

Buford wrapped up his career at the Final Four in New Orleans, losing 64-62 to Kansas. He's the second-winningest Buckeye in history behind David Lighty. He tied all-time great Jerry Lucas for third on the school's scoring list with 1,990 points. He became the fourth player to record 1,000 points, 500 rebounds and 300 assists and only the fifth to play 4,000 minutes and make 400 field goals.

"I don't know if I can put into words what he's meant to this program," OSU coach Thad Matta said. "Just watching his maturity, watching him grow as a person, watching him grow as a player, I don't know how many wins he ended up with, but I know it was a lot."


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Apr 6th 2012
William Buford signs with Interperformances


Interperformances is glad to announce the signing of William Buford, one of the greatest players to ever step on the hardwood at Ohio State University. William is a 22 year old 6 foot 6 inch 185lb shooting guard. He has been considered a solid NBA prospect since his freshman season.
William just wrapped up his college career at the NCAA Final Four in New Orleans. He is the second-winningest Ohio State Buckeye in history, third on the school's scoring list with 1,990 points. He became the fourth player to record 1,000 points, 500 rebounds and 300 assists and the fifth to play 4,000 minutes and make 400 field goals. It should be noted that without the 6-6 shooting guard, Ohio State's string of consecutive Big Ten titles would have been broken. Not only did he score 19 of his game-high 25 points at Michigan State in the regular season finale, but he hit the last-second, game-winning, 20-footer to clinch a piece of the crown. In fact, Ohio State University just won the Big Ten Regular Season for the second time in the last four years.

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