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SF William Buford - 4 BTT Title Games, most Buckeye starts (Virtus Roma - Italy)

The only thing that could have made that shot more enjoyable would have been Gus Johnson on the call. No offense to CK, but Gus Johnson's excitement during crunch time is always fun to hear.

Will was FEEEEEEEELING it in that second half. Couldn't hit jack early in the game, free throws included. Didn't get rattled, kept shooting, and eventually one fell. After that, he got rolling and they couldn't stop him. He was reminding me of Kobe. Demanding the ball. That's what I want to see out of him. This team feeds off of him. When he's playing well, the team is playing well.

2 straight buzzer beater wins for OSU. Lets keep it going!
It always seems to take some trash talking to get Willie Buckets engaged in the game. And this year's MSU team has not been short on trash talk (good, bad, or indifferent- I don't mind myself- Green and Co. like to talk).

You can tell when he has a different look in his eyes after someone starts chirping versus when he's a little more indifferent and appears checked out emotionally.

Here's to a fuming Buford the rest of the way. :cheers:
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No hate ever for William Buford. Frustration, yes. Hate, hell no!

I even called him out a little in the thread last night right before halftime. He was missing his free throws and he never does that.

He came out in the second half and finally said, "This is my team and my last chance. Time to fill it up." Thats what we've been waiting for Will!

He's always had it in him to do that and when he's out there and his head looks like he's somewhere else, its frustrating. He could be an NBA player but he has to get to the point where he doesnt take time off in the middle of the game. If he's tired, coach should sub for him for a minute and then back in the game balls to the wall.

He's got maybe 8 games or so left in his Ohio State career. I would love to see him dominate both tournaments and go out a champion like he deserves to be!
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I have watched the replay several times. It just gets better every time. The best thing is I watched WB in high school in Toledo - yes sports fans he's from T-Town. Couldn't be prouder (unless of course Dane would have made that shot) for the kid and the moment. Go Bucks! :osu:
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Bob Hunter commentary: Selective memory gives Buford a boost
By Bob Hunter
The Columbus Dispatch Thursday March 22, 2012

BOSTON ? It?s funny how the brain works. A crash victim can sometimes remember parts of a night and not others, editing out the horrific portion an event that might have left tremendous scars.

William Buford?s ?crash? came on a basketball court in Newark, N.J. The 6-foot-6 senior has been a shooter all of his life, so last March when he reached the same place on the NCAA Tournament bracket where he is now ? the regional semifinals ? he had no way of knowing that he would go 2 of 16 in top-seeded Ohio State?s 62-60 loss to Kentucky.

That crash motivated him for a while, but a question about it now draws mostly a blank stare.

?That?s way behind me,? he said.

It?s not all like that, though. There?s one part of the evening that isn?t behind him, a part he remembers as vividly as Ohio State?s third-round win on Saturday over Gonzaga.

?Last year, just seeing those (seniors?) faces, seeing how they were when they knew they couldn?t come back and play another game, I?ll never forget that,? Buford said ?I was playing with those guys for three years. They were great teammates, great people and great friends to me. I know I don?t want to have that feeling.?

It?s not a bad use of selective memory. Remembering his shooting woes can?t help. He has struggled with his consistency this season and needs all the confidence he can get.

?This has been my hardest year,? he said. ?I was just putting pressure on myself knowing that this was my last year ? ?I?ve gotta do this, I?ve gotta do that? ? when I really didn?t have to. All I really had to do was just play. I know that now and I?m better now.?


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Buford set to 'attack' in the Big Easy
March, 29, 2012
By Myron Medcalf

NEW ORLEANS -- William Buford strolled to the press conference podium at Mercedes-Benz Superdome on Thursday and took a seat where college basketball players dream of culminating their tenures.

Buford?s career will end on college basketball?s biggest stage. The Ohio State guard is averaging 14.4 points per game for a team that will face Kansas in the Final Four on Saturday night.

He is a rare veteran. He was an NBA prospect after his freshman season in 2008-09. But the senior chose to exhaust his eligibility and complete all four years. This season, he leads a roster that features 11 underclassmen.

?It?s a tremendous experience. And I?m just trying to live in the moment right now,? Buford said Thursday.

When Buford plays well, the team tends to follow. He scored 25 points in Ohio State's 72-70 victory at Michigan State on March 4, for example.

When he?s been off, however, the Buckeyes have struggled, too. The Buckeyes were 2-3 in Big Ten play when Buford scored in single digits.

Buford comes to New Orleans on something of a slide. The Toledo, Ohio, native is 8-for-33 from the field in his team?s past three games.

The Buckeyes still managed to reach their 11th Final Four, but Buford knows their chances of advancing to Monday?s national championship game may depend on his weekend performance.

?When I start off hot and keep going like that throughout the end of the game ? it makes it easier for them and it makes it easier for us as a team,? he said.


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From the article above, this is the part that excited me the most...

Smith said he’s confident that Buford will add to those achievements in the Big Easy, especially after watching him practice.

“After practice today, I don’t think Will is struggling no more,” Smith said. “I don’t think he missed today. So I’m interested to see him get out there [Saturday] and find his stroke early. I think Will is back.”
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korchiki;2134471; said:
From the article above, this is the part that excited me the most...

Smith said he?s confident that Buford will add to those achievements in the Big Easy, especially after watching him practice.

?After practice today, I don?t think Will is struggling no more,? Smith said. ?I don?t think he missed today. So I?m interested to see him get out there [Saturday] and find his stroke early. I think Will is back.?

Anybody still wonder whether Craft should be playing Grammar Police with his teammates?
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Will thank you for four great years. Incredible buckeye great player on the court great person off the court. Congrats on getting your degree and good luck in the NBA. One of my favorite all time buckeyes that I will always remember.
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