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SF William Buford - 4 BTT Title Games, most Buckeye starts (Virtus Roma - Italy)

I watched the video here and also on my DVR several times. The last minutes were spectacular and beyond description. Better than that was the reaction on Will face after he hit that winning shot. He is normally very non-emotional. It was so good to see his winning smile and the reaction from Smith and the team. This is a good time to peak going into tourney time. Here's to a long run and a shot at the Final Four.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgoL7xqUa9c&feature=channel_video_title"]THE Ohio State Univeristy- Where Amazing happens. William Buford game winning shot vs Michigan State - YouTube[/ame]

Just awesome. I'm so happy for William.
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BearBuck27;2119795; said:
Big-time shot today, Will. BIG-TIME shot

Shot of the year for the Buckeyes in my book. Considering the circumstances of the shot, that might be the best shot of Willie's career as well. Earned Ohio State some hardware, a t-shirt, and a hat with that swish. Onions for Sparty.

You're one hell of a player, Willie. We're really going to miss you next year.
OSU_Buckguy;2119836; said:
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dragurd;2119954; said:
Got no love on top plays that was a waste of watching espn.

There are three highlights of the shot on this very page- making watching ESPN a waste even if they did show the replay.

There is never a good reason to turn on ESPN outside of an actual game they are broadcasting... and even then it is a difficult decision to make.
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The only thing that could have made that shot more enjoyable would have been Gus Johnson on the call. No offense to CK, but Gus Johnson's excitement during crunch time is always fun to hear.

Will was FEEEEEEEELING it in that second half. Couldn't hit jack early in the game, free throws included. Didn't get rattled, kept shooting, and eventually one fell. After that, he got rolling and they couldn't stop him. He was reminding me of Kobe. Demanding the ball. That's what I want to see out of him. This team feeds off of him. When he's playing well, the team is playing well.

2 straight buzzer beater wins for OSU. Lets keep it going!
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