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Seantrel Henderson (Buffalo Bills)

OSUsushichic;1654459; said:
The coaches are certainly a big part of the package, but they're not the whole package, especially to a teenager.

True, but keep in mind that Seantrel's father was his mouthpiece during virtually the entire ordeal. It sure appeared that ol' Dad was the major influence in the decision.
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leroyjenkins;1654465; said:
Isnt anyone concerned with the sactions that will be imposed on USC??

I am sure that Lane assured him that nothing was going to happen. After all, does the used car salesman tell you about the transmission that is about to go out on the car he is trying to sell you.

Best of luck to Seantrel
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matt_thatsme;1654469; said:
I am sure that Lane assured him that nothing was going to happen. After all, does the used car salesman tell you about the transmission that is about to go out on the car he is trying to sell you.

Best of luck to Seantrel

Right, but its going to be tough to be a worldwide "brand" when youre blacked out of National TV, and bowl games.....
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MililaniBuckeye;1654468; said:
True, but keep in mind that Seantrel's father was his mouthpiece during virtually the entire ordeal. It sure appeared that ol' Dad was the major influence in the decision.

That is true, and if my son had pulled something like this I would have used the same tactic that Chris Spielman's Dad used when Chris told him he was going to Scum.....:biggrin:
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leroyjenkins;1654473; said:
Right, but its going to be tough to be a worldwide "brand" when youre blacked out of National TV, and bowl games.....

Ha, ha, ha....worldwide brand as an offensive lineman...but, yes, you are right. I guess Kiffin is a better salesperson than we give him credit for. I had hoped that the Hendersons would be able to see Kiffin for the true rat that he is, but......
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