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Seantrel Henderson (Buffalo Bills)


The Henderson waiting game ...
Posted by John Millea
Last update: February 3, 2010 - 11:25 AM

Seantrel Henderson is expected to announce his college decision this afternoon, around 4:30 p.m. Let's hope he can make a decision, because according to his father, Henderson had not settled on a school as of early Tuesday evening.

"We're going out to dinner as a family tonight, and tomorrow morning Seantrel will need to think about everything and make a decision," Sean Henderson said from New York Tuesday.

An ESPN report says he will choose Southern California, but we'll wait to hear the real thing. Henderson will make his announcement on the CBS College Sports cable TV network. An associated WEBSITE is running a poll on where Henderson should go. At of 11:25 a.m., Ohio State was leading the poll, followed in order by Miami, Notre Dame, USC, Minnesota and Florida.
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Check here to find out where Seantrel Henderson will play college football
Pioneer Press
Updated: 02/03/2010 02:17:27 PM CST

Check back here this afternoon to find out what college football program Cretin-Derham Hall superstar Seantrel Henderson will commit to. He is in New York and will announce his choice this afternoon.

The choice would end what has been a nationally watched four-year courtship from many of the nation's top programs. Pioneer Press columnist Charley Walters has reported that his choice is down to the University of Southern California and Miami. He had once been considering the University of Minnesota.

The announcement is scheduled to take place around 4 p.m.
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Charley is really covering his tracks today...throwing out everyone short of UTEP as being the leader for Hendersonk.

Shooter Now: Miami moves into lead for Seantrel Henderson; Mauer might cost Twins $25 M - TwinCities.com

By Charley Walters
[email protected]
Updated: 02/03/2010 01:54:11 PM CST

Don't be surprised if Seantrel Henderson ends up at the University of Miami.

Thought to be the dark horse behind the University of Southern California for the 6-foot-8, 335-pound Cretin-Derham Hall offensive lineman, Miami apparently has moved to the top of Henderson's list. Henderson plans to announce his college choice this afternoon.

Henderson visited Miami last weekend.

It would be a shock if Henderson were to choose the University of Minnesota Gophers.
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Seantrel Henderson update No. 3
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
By: Stephen Spiewak

MaxPreps.com Seantrel Henderson sure doesn't seem nervous about his upcoming decision.

Shortly after lunch, Henderson and Ego Ferguson went bowling here at Chelsea Piers. Henderson and Ferguson each claim victory.
Henderson is less than two hours from one of the most important decisions in his life. The buzz nationally seems to have shifted; yesterday, the pulse was Ohio State while today USC seems to be the trendy pick.

No one in the studio has any idea what Henderson will do. If Ferguson learned the secret during their bowling outing, he surely hasn't shared it.
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Posted this in the other thread as well...

a parent sits down with Lane Kiffin and/or Ed Orgeron and has a conversation about their child's future.

Same parent sits down with Jim Tressel and has the same conversation with him about their child's future.

That parent can sit back and choose USC??

Good luck is all I can say.
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ysubuck;1654457; said:
Posted this in the other thread as well...

a parent sits down with Lane Kiffin and/or Ed Orgeron and has a conversation about their child's future.

Same parent sits down with Jim Tressel and has the same conversation with him about their child's future.

That parent can sit back and choose USC??

Good luck is all I can say.

The coaches are certainly a big part of the package, but they're not the whole package, especially to a teenager.
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