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Seantrel Henderson (Buffalo Bills)

Signing day announcement. Planning a "bombshell." USC in the race.

Come on, we all know how this will turn out. At this point, I'd consider it a shocker if he chose Ohio State.

Its just a shame that many will view this class as a disappointment when, as always, the Buckeyes have some serious talent coming in. And it would be an insult to those guys to call this class a disappointment.
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I think if he really wants to drop a "bombshell" he is going to either choose ND or Minnesota.
ND makes sense to me because you have the whole Tom Lemming association who is a huge ND homer, plus the rest of the offers he has wouldnt necessarily surprise anyone. JMHO but I dont think that he will choose OSU. I hope I am wrong but with the track record of JT on NSD the last few years, Im not getting my hopes up.
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SweetBuckeye;1653854; said:
Crabtree is now predicting USC. Lots of smoke.

read his chat just now and he said that a "source" close to usc says they think they have him...crabtree finished his post with we will see about that....henderson's camp has succeeded in keeping everyone interested and guessing.
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USC comes calling
Vittorio Tafur

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

02-02) 22:09 PST -- Who better to send a message than a 6-foot-8, 335-pound gentleman?

If Seantrel Henderson, a larger-than-life offensive lineman from Minnesota, signs with USC today, you won't be able to shut up Trojans coach Lane Kiffin.

Not only has Kiffin kept most of the recruits that USC was supposed to lose when Pete Carroll left for the Seahawks, but Kiffin and recruiting coordinator Ed Orgeron have made a late push on Henderson. Ranked by rivals.com as the No. 2 prospect in the country, Henderson was leaning toward Ohio State until USC came calling.

Landing the big fella would push the Trojans' class into the top two and send a flare to the rest of the Pac-10 and nation that Carroll won't be missed, recruiting-wise at least.

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USC FOOTBALL: Trojans' future could hinge on signings
By Scott Wolf, Staff Writer
Posted: 02/02/2010 10:49:24 PM PST


"I felt like Seantrel Henderson would go to USC for the longest time, and nothing's changed my opinion," Huffman said.
Henderson also is considering Ohio State. He was expected to select USC when Pete Carroll was the Trojans coach, and Henderson's announcement today will signal whether he's comfortable with new coach Lane Kiffin.

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Thread is closed...my head, like Magua's, is now hurting and it's not even 9AM.

We tried to explain to you that there is bound to be tons of "smoke" regarding Henderson today...especially because Seantrel's camp was looking to build suspense leading up the "bombshell" today. But apparently, most of you would rather clog this thread with utter crap: logic that is based on nothing substantial or concrete (insiders don't know where he is going so how can you?), negativity regarding OSU's 2010 recruiting class (tack it back to Bucknuts), tirelessly played out Zook/Illinois jokes or :io: symbols. We just don't need that today...

Let's everyone cool down on the Henderson stuff for a while and we can re-open this thread in a little while...
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College football: Decision time for recruits
OSU hopes to add two more for class of 20
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 3:05 AM
By Tim May

Henderson, from St. Paul, Minn., is considering six schools -- including Southern California, Florida, Notre Dame, Miami and Minnesota. He is expected to announce about 5 p.m. from the CBS College Sports channel studios in New York.

"I'm not worried about it being over the top," said Henderson's father, Sean. "One of the reasons we're going to New York is I want Seantrel to make his decision where he'll be in a neutral spot, where he'll feel good about it. Because the school he chooses, the other five schools, I don't want to say they will feel betrayed, but they are going to feel a little hurt.
"Seantrel is just trying to make the decision he feels is best for him. So I didn't want him at school in some gym when he announces it, because there might be some 'yays' and there might be some 'nays.' "

There are various online reports purporting to know Henderson's intentions, ranging from Ohio State to USC to saying he needs more time to decide.

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For the record, Tom Luginbill on ESPNU just said "all indications at this time are that USC will get the signature from Seantrel Henderson over Ohio State. This is yet to be in writing ..."

His reasoning was basically "the ability of Kiffin and Orgeron to sell USC", so he was guessing.
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