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Seantrel Henderson (Buffalo Bills)


Trip to Florida coming up for SN100 OL Henderson
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Posted By Brian McLaughlin 2:39 PM

Seantrel Henderson is a man of few words--the epitome of the word concise. He doesn't need the national attention that comes with being considered one of the top offensive linemen prospects to come out of the high school ranks in the past few years.

The 6-foot-8, 300-pound offensive lineman out of Cretin-Derham (St. Paul, Minn.) doesn't seek attention, but it manages to find him at every turn. This week, he's being recognized on a tour as one of the seven finalists for the U.S. Army National Player of the Year award.

"I never would have thought I'd be up for something like this, and it's a great honor," Henderson told Sporting News on Tuesday. "I''m enjoying this, but as far as recruiting, I'm definitely ready for it to end."

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Immediate impact
For a player like Seantrel Henderson or any No. 1 national prospect, does starting right away as a true freshman need to be guaranteed or implied for a commitment? For example, the Rivals No. 1 recruit for maybe the past six years has played significantly as true freshmen.

Rivals.com Football Recruiting - Ask Jamie: How well will Kelly recruit?

I do believe, though, that every coach out there would give Henderson every opportunity to earn a spot in the rotation and playing time. Where in the rotation and how much time depends on how quickly he makes the transition.

I do believe Henderson will be good enough to play anywhere he chooses. This kid is that good - just like the other No. 1s ahead of him.
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Seantrel Henderson's final official visit between Minnesota, Iowa, Oklahoma and Miami
Four campuses on star's final trip list
By Tim Leighton
[email protected]
Updated: 12/16/2009 10:16:06 PM CST

Cretin-Derham Hall offensive lineman Seantrel Henderson will decide between Minnesota, Iowa, Oklahoma and Miami for his final official college recruiting trip. Henderson, the 6-foot-8, 330-pound senior ranked as the top high school recruit in the country, has an official visit planned this weekend to Florida. He already has made official visits to Ohio State, USC and Notre Dame.

Sean Henderson, Seantrel's father and spokesman, discounted a belief that his son crossed Notre Dame off his list when head coach Charlie Weis was fired. "Notre Dame is still very much in the mix,'' Sean Henderson said. He said new Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly hasn't contacted the family, but Henderson believes he will, perhaps as soon as next week.

Henderson has been in Washington, D.C., this week on a tour as one of seven finalists for the U.S. Army national player of the year award. On Tuesday, he toured the Pentagon and, along with other finalists, laid the wreath on the tomb of the unknown solider at Arlington National Cemetery.

Sean Henderson said his son would not announce his college choice Jan. 9 at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl in San Antonio. University of Minnesota quarterback MarQueis Gray used the nationally televised game to announce his college choice.
Sean Henderson said the Gophers remain on Seantrel's college list as a legitimate option. "It's home; it's not a token gesture,'' he said. "It's about having the opportunity to play near home if he chooses to do that. We can go across the street to see him play.''

Including Christmas break, Henderson will be away from school for four weeks with his college recruiting visits and his participation in the All-American Bowl. He returns to school on Jan. 11. He plans to spend much of the Christmas break doing advance homework. Henderson made Cretin-Derham Hall's honor roll for the first time last trimester.

"First and foremost, we want to find a school that has a strong support system around him,'' Sean Henderson said. "That includes education, his relationship with his line coach and the comfortability of living away from home.''
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Gators make move on big, bad Seantrel Henderson
The country's best player is headed to Gainesville this weekend.
By Jeremy Fowler
December 17, 2009

GAINESVILLE - The country's best 2010 recruit -- all 301 pounds of him -- is expected to take in Gainesville this weekend on an official visit to the Florida Gators.

Offensive tackle Seantrel Henderson, Rivals.com's top-ranked overall player from Cretin-Derham Hall in St. Paul, Minn., is using one of his few official visits on the Gators. He is being recruited heavily by offensive coordinator Steve Addazio, also UF's offensive line coach.

Florida is trying to compete with Notre Dame, Minnesota, Ohio State, Oklahoma and USC for the services of Henderson, who has all the tools to be a dominant college and NFL tackle.

The Gators need to beef up their offensive line numbers in a star-studded class of 19 players for 2010. Fleming Island's Ian Silberman is the only offensive lineman commit in a class that has at least six defensive backs.

If Henderson chooses the Gators, they could pair him with freshman Xavier Nixon, who has a bright future for UF at left or right tackle.
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Originally Published: December 17, 2009
Gators to make pitch to elite lineman
By Bill Kurelic

The country's No. 1 offensive tackle and the No. 4 overall prospect on the ESPNU 150, Seantrel Henderson (St. Paul, Minn./Cretin-Derham), is a very busy young man. Henderson will be making an official visit to Florida this weekend. Last week it looked like Henderson would wait until January to visit the Gators, but he has decided to go this weekend.

"That will be our fourth trip," Henderson's father Sean Henderson said. "He is still considering Oklahoma, Miami or Iowa for his last visit." Seantrel has previously made official visits to Ohio State, USC and Notre Dame.

Last weekend Henderson attended the Minnesota Vikings-Cincinnati Bengals game. He was honored at halftime for his selection to the Minnesota Vikings' All-State Team.

The 6-foot-7 and 300-pound Henderson, who also plays basketball for Cretin-Derham, is still considering Notre Dame, but the firing of Charlie Weis will cause Henderson to do some additional checking.

"As far as we're concerned they are still there," Sean said. "We haven't talked to Brian Kelly yet. We'll have to do some homework on Brian Kelly and that situation when we get home. We'll have to sit down and talk about it."

Last week Sean Henderson said he and his son might make an unofficial visit back to Ohio State sometime in January. The Henderson's are still thinking about that possibility.

"We might go back to Ohio State for an unofficial visit," Sean said. "And we might go back to California [to visit USC] as well."

Buckeye coach Jim Tressel will make his in-home visit with the Henderson's sometime in January.

Henderson will announce his college choice on national signing day.
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Magua;1607444; said:
I think that if you're on your official visit, it's pretty much free game as far as alums go. If he's being hosted by Ohio State, I am pretty sure Cris Carter is aloud to go and talk with him. Now, I don't think he can sit there and say sign with OSU Seantrel! but I think he can kind of point him in that direction and just explain to him the benefits of going to OSU.

Now, calling him on the phone and making any contact with him otherwise I believe is against the rules.

It's a violation, but not one of any significance. Only staff members may recruit.
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Its a violation for alumni to speak with recruits? R u sure? I've seen MANy times that players being recruiting by the U, are often seen chilling with their alumni from Ed Reed, to Clinton Portis, to Ray Lewis. Hell a number of players say thats why they sign with certain teams, to extend the legacy of great players. Wasn't Joe McKnight sitting with Reggie Bush when he was recruited? I think that's a common practice. Matter of fact, I'm a Tarheels fan for Bball, and know that one of the factors that got Harrison Barnes(No. 1 player in 2010 class) to sign with the 'Heels is that he got to sit down and have a meeting with Michael Jordan. And their famed alumni game had NUMEROUS players talking to recruits. I may be wrong, but I didn't think that was a violation. And I'd have Orlando Pace chilling with SH
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