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Seantrel Henderson (Buffalo Bills)

shiznit7;1619334; said:
I have been saving my first post for something important and this is good enough for me... Seantreal has apparently canceled his trip to Florida this weekend and set another one up with Ohio State in stone. I'm getting quite excited about this guy! :biggrin:

Welcome to BP!!

Me likey the news. Me likey a lot!!

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What source???

shiznit7;1619334; said:
I have been saving my first post for something important and this is good enough for me... Seantreal has apparently canceled his trip to Florida this weekend and set another one up with Ohio State in stone. I'm getting quite excited about this guy! :biggrin:
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Seantrel Henderson's recruitment, through the eyes of his parents Football Recruiting
by Nadine Babu December 13, 2009

Making a college decision is often a family decision, and for the nation?s number one recruit, that is no different. Much has been written about Cretin?s Seantrel Henderson, and the five-star recruit often touts the importance of his parents and family in his life and in his college decision.Bookmark and Share

I was fortunate enough to watch Seantrel's Cretin-Derham Hall Raiders basketball team take on Champlin Park last night, with Cretin pulling out a double overtime victory. You can instantly tell how involved his family is in his life, as he had an entire cheering section rooting him on, including his parents and grandmothers. Even though Seantrel is the nation's number one football recruit, they are not only cheering him on while playing sports, but more importantly they are in the classroom as well. Many families would only be looking at what football program could do the most for their son, but Henderson's family is looking at which university can teach him the most on and off the field.

GopherHole spoke with Seantrel?s parents, Bree Jasper and Sean Henderson to get their thoughts on the campus visits, home visits, and chaos surrounding Seantrel?s recruitment.

Seantrel HendersonGH: Could you have ever imagined the media circus around your son?

Bree: Not at this magnitude, but we?re not done yet so we?ll just keep enjoying it.

GH: What?s the best part of the recruitment and what?s the worst?

Sean: The best part of it is the opportunity that Seantrel has in front of him. The worst part is the phone calls.

GH: How many phone calls you do you get a day?

Sean: It depends on what?s going on. If we have visits coming up we?ll get between 10-30 calls per day.

GH: Have you gone on all of the visits with Seantrel?

Sean: Yes we have.

GH: Tell me your impressions of the visits. Let?s start with Notre Dame.

Bree: I like the program and the academics. The facilities were nice. He saw his friends from Cretin, like Michael Floyd, and that was nice to see them.

GH: Will the coaching change at Notre Dame affect Seantrel?s decision?

Sean: No, we just wanted to make sure that they were stable and a got a good coach. A good coach is a good coach; it wasn?t going to affect it either way. The education aspect doesn?t change no matter who the coach is and neither does the prestige of the program.

GH: How was the Ohio State visit?

Sean: The level of support that they show the team at Ohio State is great ? it?s second to none. The big stage they play on is amazing.

GopherHole.com - Seantrel Henderson's recruitment, through the eyes of his parents
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The nation's #1 - Seantrel Henderson lists the pros and cons of his visits so far
Football Recruiting
by Nadine Babu
December 14, 2009

One thing is for sure, Seantrel Henderson will make an informed decision. The nation's number one football recruit and his parents are doing their due diligence in researching school?s academic offerings, program facilities, coaches personalities, player camaraderie and fan support. Seantrel has gone on numerous official and unofficial visits, attended games at some of the most prestigious (and the country's newest) college football venues and has taken time to get to know players and coaches on a personal level.Bookmark and Share

For a phenomenal talent that has been wooed by just about every school in the nation, Seantrel has handled his recruitment with extreme maturity. He has not led any schools or coaches on, he has not given into pressure to give an early verbal commitment and he is weighing all of his options before making his final decision. So far Henderson has taken official visits to Notre Dame, USC and Ohio State. He is planning on taking his fourth official visit to Florida this weekend and his fifth is yet to be determined. In addition to the official visits Seantrel has taken unofficial visits to Minnesota and Iowa. As signing day approaches, Seantrel is preparing for his final official visits and then plans on making one program quite happy in early February.

GopherHole.com's Nadine Babu chatted with Henderson after his Cretin-Derham Hall basketball team played this past weekend to get an update on his recruitment.

GH: What do you like about Notre Dame?

SH: The tradition they have there ? that, and the academics. It's like getting an Ivy League education without going to an Ivy League school.

GH: What reservations do you have about Notre Dame?

Seantrel HendersonSH: It might be too small; it's a smaller college town and doesn't have the advantages of being in a big city.

GH: Best thing about USC?

SH: Everything pretty much. The city of LA has a lot to do. All of their education aspects are great. Everything out there is real nice. Their atmosphere is good; the teammates and the coaches all get along so well.

GH: Is there a negative to USC?

SH: I don?t know ? everything is fast out there so maybe that. LA is a fast moving city.

GH: What did you like about Ohio State?

SH: Kind of the same as USC, the atmosphere in the city of Columbus is great. Everyone on game day is all in to it.

GH: Do you have any reservations about Ohio State?

SH: The class sizes are very big there, maybe too big with 250 kids in classes.

GopherHole.com - The nation's #1 - Seantrel Henderson lists the pros and cons of his visits so far
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SH: The class sizes are very big there, maybe too big with 250 kids in classes.

I really hope someone at Ohio State sees that this is a concern of his, it would take an academic advisor about 30 seconds to debunk it.

I had less than five classes that had that many kids is it, Econ 200 and Art 101 and maybe Biology 101. Even if you do have a large class like that, there are sections of the class that meet with 20-30 kids several times a week to go along with the large lectures. It is really not even an issue beyond your first year anyways unless you take 101 level courses your entire college career.
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I really hope someone at Ohio State sees that this is a concern of his, it would take an academic advisor about 30 seconds to debunk it.

I had less than five classes that had that many kids is it, Econ 200 and Art 101 and maybe Biology 101. Even if you do have a large class like that, there are sections of the class that meet with 20-30 kids several times a week to go along with the large lectures. It is really not even an issue beyond your first year anyways unless you take 101 level courses your entire college career.

And if they can't debunk it let's get the State Legislature off the dime on this budget mess. Hire about 2,000 more professors and get those class sizes down!

There is a lot at stake here.
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As 86 said, not many courses at OSU have this many students. In fact, the ones that do are generally the really easy courses. Once you get past a select few gen-eds, most classes are in the 20-40 range. As a student athlete, you have a ton or resources at hand at OSU anyways.
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justanotherbuck;1620791; said:
Just an FYI, Seantreal is supposed to be interviewed on Rivals Radio in the third hour(10:00a.m. hour eastern), so if you have sirius, check it out.
I heard the interview, FWIW he did list Ohio State first when talking about his schools of interest :tongue2:
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