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Seantrel Henderson (Buffalo Bills)

A YouTube video on the Ohio State recruitment of Cretin-Derham Hall senior offensive lineman Seantrel Henderson, done by St. Paul's Vince Muzik in partnership with Henderson's father, Sean, has received nearly 10,000 views in the eight days since its posting. The video is part of a social media documentary Muzik is doing on Henderson about recruiting and his life as the No. 1 prep football recruit in the country. Muzik might continue following Henderson's career through to the NFL.

Could Favre be greatest Viking ever? - TwinCities.com

Big recruit

Offensive lineman Seantrel Henderson of St. Paul, Minn., rated the No. 1 recruit in the nation by Rivals.com, wore a USC T-shirt and stocking cap to the game. Henderson made his official visit this weekend. He is also considering Ohio State and Notre Dame.

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Sorry, there's too many pages to look this up myself. What game did he visit OSU for? Wasn't it the OSU-USC game? While it stinks that he saw USC several times, he can't have forgotten the atmosphere in the shoe that evening.

Wow, I haven't followed recruiting that long, but I haven't seen anything close to what henderson said on twitter (assuming its true). Isn't the standard line "i had lots of fun and it was a good visit?" at worst if one didn't enjoy it?
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jebussmurf;1614695; said:
Sorry, there's too many pages to look this up myself. What game did he visit OSU for? Wasn't it the OSU-USC game? While it stinks that he saw USC several times, he can't have forgotten the atmosphere in the shoe that evening.

Wow, I haven't followed recruiting that long, but I haven't seen anything close to what henderson said on twitter (assuming its true). Isn't the standard line "i had lots of fun and it was a good visit?" at worst if one didn't enjoy it?

It was the OSU-USC game. The standard line usually is "a good visit" but if that is indeed what he said, I feel a lot better about our chances. Get up to speed newb :biggrin:

On another note, we were already in great shape for Henderson...if he really wasn't that impressed with USC, you can sign and seal him to OSU imo. It's always seemed to be an OSU-USC race.
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RB07OSU;1614727; said:
It was the OSU-USC game. The standard line usually is "a good visit" but if that is indeed what he said, I feel a lot better about our chances. Get up to speed newb :biggrin:

On another note, we were already in great shape for Henderson...if he really wasn't that impressed with USC, you can sign and seal him to OSU imo. It's always seemed to be an OSU-USC race.
I tend to agree with that statement. Is it signing day yet?
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Question for the Mods - I remember when ESPN did a segment on Tennessee and Lame Kiffin there was talk it was a recruiting violation for Kiffin to allow cameras in with his contact with Joyner. How exactly is this different?
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akgoel77;1616174; said:
Question for the Mods - I remember when ESPN did a segment on Tennessee and Lame Kiffin there was talk it was a recruiting violation for Kiffin to allow cameras in with his contact with Joyner. How exactly is this different?

idk but I doubt that it matters. Apparently it's ok cause nothing happened to Kiffin..
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akgoel77;1616174; said:
Question for the Mods - I remember when ESPN did a segment on Tennessee and Lame Kiffin there was talk it was a recruiting violation for Kiffin to allow cameras in with his contact with Joyner. How exactly is this different?

Now, I don't pretend to know the rules of recruiting, but it seems to me that there's a huge difference between letting an ESPN crew of cameras into a coaches office with a recruit, then having a family friend bringing a personal camcorder into the office.
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Question for the Mods - I remember when ESPN did a segment on Tennessee and Lame Kiffin there was talk it was a recruiting violation for Kiffin to allow cameras in with his contact with Joyner. How exactly is this different?
NCAA Bylaw 13.10.1 states, "A member institution shall not permit a media entity to be present during any recruiting contact made by an institution's coaching staff member."

Media being the key word.
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