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Seantrel Henderson (Buffalo Bills)

Merih;1612357; said:
I guess that in home visit from Tress really did wonders! Can't say I've ever heard it come out like this before :biggrin:

This is actually how I found out about a lot of the former recruits before they committed when I was in high school...they would have plans for roomates. One thing that made the Brew Crew mad is this happened with Koger...said he would be rooming with so and so...so while it is a REALLY good sign (for both Henderson and Louis frankly), things can still go wrong. You still can't be any happier with where we are at though, Henderson would be so huge...Henderson at left and Norwell at right isn't even fair.
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RB07OSU;1612426; said:
This is actually how I found out about a lot of the former recruits before they committed when I was in high school...they would have plans for roomates. One thing that made the Brew Crew mad is this happened with Koger...said he would be rooming with so and so...so while it is a REALLY good sign (for both Henderson and Louis frankly), things can still go wrong. You still can't be any happier with where we are at though, Henderson would be so huge...Henderson at left and Norwell at right isn't even fair.

Channeling Pace and Stringer. Oh one can dream.
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RB07OSU;1612426; said:
Henderson would be so huge...
Come on, I know we're great at all, but surely if he went to Michigan he would be even HUGER with BARWIS!111!111!!!!


Seriously though, Henderon is my #1 wish for this class, and it isn't even that close. The kid is a complete monster at one of the most important positions in football, and also one of need in this class, given that we have only one OL signed at the moment.
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