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Seantrel Henderson (Buffalo Bills)

Ten years after another two-sport star led the Raiders to a title, unflappable Mark Alt delivered the crown.

By JOHN MILLEA, Star Tribune
Last update: November 28, 2009 - 1:24 AM

5A: Cretin-Derham Hall upends Eden Prairie 16-5 | StarTribune.com


Cretin-Derham Hall?s Seantrel Henderson embraced a teammate after the Raiders? 16-5 victory over Eden Prairie for the Class 5A championship.
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I saw the video and it appears to me that it is something Seantral (or some hanger on) put together. At one point Cris Carter is talking about how Ohio State can develop him for the pros. I remember something about Reggie Bush being on the phone with Pete Carroll and McKnight while USC was recruiting him. Also, the video shows him talking with Coach Tressel. Are there any potential NCAA issues for Ohio State as a result of this video?
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redstatebuckeye;1607359; said:
I saw the video and it appears to me that it is something Seantral (or some hanger on) put together. At one point Cris Carter is talking about how Ohio State can develop him for the pros. I remember something about Reggie Bush being on the phone with Pete Carroll and McKnight while USC was recruiting him. Also, the video shows him talking with Coach Tressel. Are there any potential NCAA issues for Ohio State as a result of this video?

I think that if you're on your official visit, it's pretty much free game as far as alums go. If he's being hosted by Ohio State, I am pretty sure Cris Carter is aloud to go and talk with him. Now, I don't think he can sit there and say sign with OSU Seantrel! but I think he can kind of point him in that direction and just explain to him the benefits of going to OSU.

Now, calling him on the phone and making any contact with him otherwise I believe is against the rules.
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Reggie called mcKnight and Joe admitted as much to the press, IIRC. That's a lot different than McKnight running into alums while visiting SC. Not that anything ever came of that.
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Coach Tressel: You know what's most important to us, is that you see everything, and if this is for you, let's go. And if it's not, you need to go where it's right for you. The only guys we want to end up here are the ones that, after they've looked everywhere they're gonna look, seen everything they're gonna see, say you know what, I wanna, I wanna do that thing in Columbus.

99.9% of other coaches: Oh, it looks like he isn't enjoying something? Quick, let's start putting on a facade, lie about playing time and the position he'll play, anything to get him here!!
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Sounds like we have a pretty good shot at Seantrel. I'm pretty excited for these upcoming months to see where guys like Seantrel, Lamarcus, Jordan, and Floyd all turn up. Hopefully with the good guys but in any event, it will be an interesting recruiting finale for us.

Congrats to Seantrel and his team for beating Willie Mobley's alma mater this weekend in the championship!
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