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Seantrel Henderson (Buffalo Bills)

crazybuckfan40;1574063; said:
Got me thinking...From left to right

Adams (S), Shugarts (S), Brewster (S), Hall(J), Henderson(So)

That would be a who's who of 5 star lineman in two years...With guys like Norwell, Mewhort, Linsley waiting in the wings when we would lose 3 form that line.

Sick talent, I am impressed....wasn`t that long ago that we had only one olineman in our recruiting class....Blankenship I believe. Henderson could come in and challenge right away for playing time. Go Bucks
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Bucks21;1574069; said:
But seriously this is the type of talent we have to recruit to be able to have an effective offense.

If that's the case, there's a major problem. You shouldn't HAVE to HAVE 5 star recuits lining the two deep. Henderson is the type of talent that can help plus a quality line over the top. Sure, it's nice to have blue chippers, but you should be able to have an 'effective' offense by lining up quality recuits. Teams across America do it. Only the top schools can garner the attention to stack high quality talent in numbers. The ability to 5 star linemen should be icing on the cake.

If Henderson does decide on OSU, he would be the trick candles on top of the cake that never blow out. :biggrin:
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By Mike Farrell on $Rivals
Whispers: Big news for Notre Dame?
There is no such thing as a moral victory on the field in college football. But there are moral victories on the recruiting side of things for Notre Dame after its latest loss to USC last weekend. Seantrel Henderson, the nation's No. 1 player, was among the talent on hand for the big game and Rivals.com's Mike Farrell has details on the impressions made in the Weekly Whispers.
I saw this on a domer board, and didn't see it posted last couple of pages.
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The Seantrel Henderson Sweepstakes - is Minnesota fading?

by GopherNation on Oct 22, 2009 5:28 PM CDT in Recruiting - Football

The completely unofficial and arbitrary leaderboard

  1. USC - no reason to think they are not the program to beat. Farrell thinks distance might be an issue, but Southern Cal will look really good when Henderson visits next month.
  2. Ohio State - I wonder how the bad loss to Purdue and the recent ordinary-ness of Pryor looks to Seanrel. Again, I hope he puts more thought into this decision than losing to Purdue but who knows.
  3. Notre Dame - the buzz from the official visit may wear off, especially if the Irish struggle and rumors of Charlie's demise begin swirling. Go BC!
  4. Minnesota - it has been a few weeks of ho-hum-ness out of Minnesota. They need a spark or something to grab Seantrel's attention.
  5. Michigan - the Wolverine hype machine links Seantrel and Michigan almost daily but he is playing everything so close to the vest that all of the Michigan rumors feel like they are trumped up.
  6. Oklahoma / Florida - I still don't feel like they are serious contenders and if Michigan gets an official visit this weekend he'll have to drop one of these from his visit list.
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Recruiting: Updates on the 2010 top 10
The country's top 10 recruits wind down their high school football careers; Top recruits to watch in the classes of 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 By: Stephen Spiewak

1. Seantrel Henderson, OL, Cretin-Derham Hall (St. Paul, Minn.)
Henderson and the Raiders wrapped up a 7-1 regular season by beating Woodbury in a rare Tuesday night game last week. The team will have a first-round bye this week and awaits the winner of the Eagan vs. Hastings match up.

By all accounts, it?s been a fine senior year for Henderson, as Cretin-Derham Hall has not had many problems putting points on the board, producing both on the ground and through the air.

In a testament to his athleticism, Henderson has also played on the defensive side of the ball this season, doing whatever he can to help the Raiders shoot for a AAAAA state title.

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Notre Dame looking to bring Irish recruiting back to it's glory days
Chris Harry
1:07 a.m. EDT, October 29, 2009

So were guys like Seantrel Henderson.

Henderson is the behemoth offensive tackle Rivals rates as the No. 1 overall prospect in the nation. Upon returning to St. Paul, Minn., the 6-foot-8, 305-pounder raved about his visit, as well as the impressive group of players who joined him.

"Most of 'em were from Florida," he said.

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Bob Hunter commentary: Rumblings
Friday, October 30, 2009 3:06 AM
By Bob Hunter

People close to 6-foot-8, 330-pound offensive tackle Seantrel Henderson, the nation's top prep recruit in 2010, according to many services, are "beginning to think he will end up at Southern California," according to his hometown St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer Press. Henderson has scheduled a visit to USC after visiting Ohio State and Notre Dame on days when those schools played the Trojans.

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Seantrel Henderson, OT
Saint Paul, Minn./Cretin Derham-Hall Rank: No. 4 | Highlights
There is a high probability of Henderson staying in the Midwest, it's a mystery as to where the 6-foot-8, 301-pounder will actually sign. Ohio State has a chance. Notre Dame has a chance. Minnesota has a chance. He's going out to USC at the end of this month, so the Trojans have a chance. This should be one of the more interesting developments as the recruiting cycle winds down.

Lamarcus Joyner makes big jump in updated ESPNU 150 - ESPN
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Updated: November 12, 2009
'T-Rel' and 'E' make unlikely duo
By Matt Winkeljohn
Special to ESPN.com

The search for a tag-team label is tricky, but search you must, because upon pairing the nation's No. 1 high school basketball player with the No. 1 tackle prospect for a brief tour of hoops terror on the AAU circuit, you have something so cool that a joint calling card seems essential.


Antwan Harris for ESPN.com
Harrison Barnes and Seantrel Henderson formed an unlikely partnership playing AAU ball.

Heckle and Jeckle come to mind, but the cartoon magpies were acidic and cynical, which fits neither Ames (Iowa) High hoops star Harrison Barnes nor St. Paul (Minn.) Cretin-Derham Hall offensive tackle Seantrel Henderson.

Laurel & Hardy? Nah.

Stan Laurel, the happy, easygoing half of one of the great comedy tag teams of the early 20th century, was super-slender. Easygoing? That's Henderson. But at 6-foot-8, 337 pounds, the tackle and slender don't dance.

Abbott & Costello? Closer.

Stan Abbott was a lean straight man in a mid-20th-century chuckles tandem, and that description fits the 6-6, 190-pound Barnes. He founded his own Bible study group and absorbs education and intellect as though it matters most (summer reading: "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth").

Plus, when Henderson and Barnes were teammates on the Twin Cities-based Pulley Panthers for three spring-summer tournaments on the AAU circuit, Henderson pinned the straight man's role on Barnes by frequently busting his chops.

"Oh, all the time," Henderson said when asked how often he gigged Barnes. "He is super-serious. He never stops. He's pretty much different than a lot of guys. He really takes basketball and school seriously."

Harrison Barnes and Seantrel Henderson formed a one-two punch on the Twin Cities-based Pulley Panthers AAU team. - ESPN
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