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Seantrel Henderson (Buffalo Bills)


AC100 Changes
By Braden Gall
Published: December 9th, 2009

A major revamp in the Athlon Consensus 100 has been a long time coming. The AC100 - or the most complete list of the top-100 football prospects in America - has been the same since the first reworking a few months ago. Scouts have since had their best opportunity to evaluate these players: Actual football games. Players live up to the hype by leading their teams to championships and breaking state records. Others underachieve and even worse, give scouts insight to the off-the-field issues that can sometimes surround recruits.

St. Paul (Minn.) Cretin-Derham Hall lineman Seantrel Henderson continues to solidify himself as the elite prospect in this class. He actually moved to the top of O-D?s list and now has four first place votes (out of six). He has widened the margin between himself and Powell.

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Oh8ch;1617681; said:
Normally that phrase makes me hang my head. But with a Minnesota kid we are fine. He will probably bring his cut offs.

It was only -3 (without windchill factor) during my morning commute today. What's not to love about that?


My bet is that SoCal and Gainestuckey are crossing his mind right now. At least his parents would travel less to see him play with OSU in Big 10 stadiums.
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Alabama, Texas Fight for Recruiting Title, Too
12/11/2009 8:00 AM ET By Jim Henry

Just four of the top-10 national recruits listed by Rivals have committed -- No. 2 Kyle Prater (USC), No. 3 Robert Woods (USC), No. 8 Allen (Alabama) and No. 10 James Hurst (North Carolina).

The nation's top recruit, offensive lineman Seantrel Henderson of Cretin-Derham Hall in St. Paul, Minn., is scheduled to visit Florida this weekend. The 6-foot-7, 295-pound Henderson, who helped his team win a state championship, visited USC last weekend.

Henderson has reportedly zeroed in on eight schools -- Notre Dame, Ohio State, Florida, USC, Oklahoma, Miami, Iowa and Minnesota. He has visited Notre Dame, Ohio State and USC. Oklahoma could be in line for his fifth and final visit, but that could also change to Iowa or Miami.

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Minnesota: 2009 high school football year in review
Rosemount's Zach Vraa named Mr. Football; Seantrel Henderson, nation's No. 1 recruit, hitting campus visits.
Friday, December 11, 2009
By: Matt Krumrie


File photo by Greg Smith
Seantrel Henderson, Cretin-Derham Hall
Seantrel Henderson watch

It's been a busy time for Seantrel Henderson, the nation's top high school football recruit. In addition to being nominated for Mr. Football and helping Cretin-Derham Hall win the 5A state championship, Henderson has been hitting the recruiting trail, and preparing for Feb. 3, when he plans to announce his college choice. Henderson was at USC last weekend, and will be at Florida this weekend. He has also been to Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Ohio State and Miami. He also took a visit to Iowa with teammate Mark Alt, who is also being recruited by the Hawkeyes. Where will the most coveted player in the nation end up? Only time will tell.

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I have been saving my first post for something important and this is good enough for me... Seantreal has apparently canceled his trip to Florida this weekend and set another one up with Ohio State in stone. I'm getting quite excited about this guy! :biggrin:
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