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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)


I'm pretty dissapointed - pre-Spring he said he just wanted to prove he was a linebacker 'all the way.'

I'm sorry that didn't work out for him.

EDIT: Actually, the more I think about it, the more this comes to mind.

We are in trouble at the safety position.

With the starting lineup at LB being something along the lines of Homan/Freeman, Laurinitis/Gibson, Terry/Grant... We're loaded at that spot. The fact that Moeller was listed as 2nd string sometime mid-season last season means that Moeller doesnt exactly suck it up at LB...

The starting safeties? Well, let's just say we were all a little underwhelmed last season by the safety play. Our best safety tearing an ACL doesn't help, either.

This is a way for the staff to get the best players on the field, and something like the 5th or 6th best linebacker we have is better than the top 2 safeties we have returning.

Cup half full or half empty? We'll see on the field, I guess.
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Oneshot;796254; said:

I'm pretty dissapointed - pre-Spring he said he just wanted to prove he was a linebacker 'all the way.'

I'm sorry that didn't work out for him.

Still might work out that way for him in the future, i.e. Cie Grant

But it's good to have players with the versitility to play multiple positions, and great to have kids like him willing to go where the team needs him depending on the depth at a particular position.

I'm sure it will end up being beneficial to Tyler in the long run as well.


Spring Ball Is Here!!!!!!!!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:biggrin: :osu:
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I don't know what type of person Tyler Moeller is. If he's always wanted to play linebacker, and the coaching staff moved him to safety for one reason or another, he may lose enthusiasm. But if he's the type to want to help his team in whatever way he can, this can be a big boost. Maybe taking a linebacker's mentality to the safety position will make him an excellent defensive player.
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Tyler seems to be a guy that can move well in space, has great instincts and can bring the wood. In addition, Saftey is one of the big question marks heading into this coming season. Tyler is also known as a great competitor, and so, at the very least, he is going to press and challenge the other guys to step it up if they want to see the field.
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Zurp;796293; said:
I don't know what type of person Tyler Moeller is. If he's always wanted to play linebacker, and the coaching staff moved him to safety for one reason or another, he may lose enthusiasm. But if he's the type to want to help his team in whatever way he can, this can be a big boost. Maybe taking a linebacker's mentality to the safety position will make him an excellent defensive player.

you need not worry about Tyler's mentality.

1) He loves playing football.
2) He loves being a Buckeye
3) He loves winning
4) If coach Tressel asked him to run through hell in a gasoline suit to win a ball game, he'd do it without hesitation.

Tyler moving full time to safety tells me one thing: he must have really impressed somebody in winter workouts. Tyler was going to work out with the DB's because the staff wanted to find a way to keep a 'lb' on the field in the nickle package...for Tyler to move over full time tells me he did better than average and the staff felt like the move full time was in the best interest of the team.

Tyler will give it is all...and right now his all is a 4.49 40 and 22+ reps of 225lbs on the bench.
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