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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)

Honor&Glory;799403; said:
you need not worry about Tyler's mentality.

1) He loves playing football.
2) He loves being a Buckeye
3) He loves winning
4) If coach Tressel asked him to run through hell in a gasoline suit to win a ball game, he'd do it without hesitation.

I'd settle for Tyler running through Mike Hart with bad intentions...
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I said it in another thread and I will say it again here, Tyler will be a fan favorite sooner than later.

Whether it is on special teams or in the D rotation, the kid will be making those bone jarring hits and hustle plays that get people excited.

Guys who are that size yet throw their bodies around with absolute disregard for pain or safety are always going to have a place on the football field.

John Lynch started out as a QB at Stanford and is likely headed to the HOF as a safety...forget the "hips" here, we're talking safety. See the field, anticpate the ball, and make one of three things happen...incompletion, interception, or decapitation. Choose one and make it happen.

Tyler Moeller can do that...
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osugrad21;799848; said:
I said it in another thread and I will say it again here, Tyler will be a fan favorite sooner than later.

I hear he is soft and is afraid of contact. I've also heard he has poor tackling skills.
I've been a fan since H&G talked about how many helmets the kid busted in a season in high school.
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In the North South All Star game he was playing some SS and ended up man up on the North number 1 receiver a few times. He held his own against the wide outs, but he did very well man up on the TE's. This was with very limited practice at SS prior to this game. Last summer he ran 4.41 and 4.43 at 220, but he lost weight once the season started. I think he'll be at 225 this fall and in the mid 4.4's. Instict, heart, thigh explostion, reaction time, football IQ and speed will keep him in the hunt this fall regardless of opinion polls...in my opinion.
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osugrad21;892945; said:
Time to unleash the fury.
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osugrad21;892945; said:
Current depth chart has Tyler as the Nickel Back...

Time to unleash the fury.


One more reason I love this website. I can all but guarantee I will be the only person in the room on September 1 to know who Tyler Moeller is from the get-go, and I will do my tOSU-best to catch them up. Good for you Tyler!!!!

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jimotis4heisman;892965; said:
are you going to be the only person in the room?

Nope, but if you keep reading the rest of my post, let me know when you get finished :tongue2:

Most of my friends are cool with knowing that Chris Wells is our starting RB, and couldn't name our incoming Freshmen, or who may have redshirted last year.

See, this website truly is for the Buckeye fan who simply wants to know more. They are no less of a fan than I am, I just know more than they do. And thanks to BP, and all of the gears that make the wheels turn around here, I can fill them in. That's all....

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To me this is a great sign that staff feels they have to get Tyler on the field one way or the other. Not a million years did I think he would be a future NB. Once again we see why I am a better fan then I am a Div I coach...hahah.

I thought possibly Coleman would take that spot this year, he seems to make plays when given the opportunity.
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Congrats to Tyler earning notice and pt this season...he sounds like a kid that few people will out work.

As far as Coleman goes, I thought I read that he's listed as 1st on the depth chart at safety.



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:io: :wink:
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craigblitz;893128; said:
To me this is a great sign that staff feels they have to get Tyler on the field one way or the other. Not a million years did I think he would be a future NB. Once again we see why I am a better fan then I am a Div I coach...hahah.

I thought possibly Coleman would take that spot this year, he seems to make plays when given the opportunity.

I never understood the NICKEL back term. Is it like being the 3rd CB that plays in the nickle? I get confused because in NCAA 2008 the nickle formation always has 3 CB's and one plays closer to the line. Is that the nickel?
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