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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)

osubucksfan2;893137; said:
I never understood the NICKEL back term. Is it like being the 3rd CB that plays in the nickle? I get confused because in NCAA 2008 the nickle formation always has 3 CB's and one plays closer to the line. Is that the nickel?

Nickelback is a an extra DB...replaces a LB or DL depending on the scheme.
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osubucksfan2;893137; said:
I never understood the NICKEL back term. Is it like being the 3rd CB that plays in the nickle? I get confused because in NCAA 2008 the nickle formation always has 3 CB's and one plays closer to the line. Is that the nickel?
Here's a little light reading, from the fine folks of BP, to help you out.

Basics of the Secondary Part 1
Basics of the Secondary Part 2
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Call him the safe-cracker
It must be intereting to be Tyler Moeller on the Ohio State practice field at the moment.

He showed up for preseason camp last year as an all-state linebacker from Cincinnati Colerain, a field-roving, tackling machine. He was one member of what some recruiting experts regarded as the top linebacker class in the country.

But being a tad small for a LB, in the spring the coaches transferred him to the safeties? room, where his hyper-active approach to the game might be better utilized with more freedom to run and hit. The coaches liked what they saw, which is why he stayed there going into this preseason camp, battling for time, especially as a nickel back.

Then came the ankle sprain to outside linebacker Curtis Terry this past week. The backup to starter Larry Grant, Terry was seen as offering a speed infusion as perhaps an edge rusher or coverage man on sure passing downs. Today, linebackers coach Luke Fickell, also the co-defensive coordinator, said Moeller now is also in the picture as the possible backup to Grant to fill the void while Terry recovers.

Call him the safe-cracker (Blogging the Buckeyes)
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Tyler has to be talented... The guy has been seen on the 2nd team LB crew (ahead of Gibson, Johnson) and was also the starting nickel at one point.

Pretty impressive. Let's just make him a rover like Chung from Oregon.
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MOELLER-RATTLING GAME: Another Colerain kid, linebacker Tyler Moeller, who sees a lot of special teams time, looked like he was ready to jump out of his jersey Saturday and play some football.

"I'm soaking in everything," Moeller said. "Last year I was just a spectator mostly. At the beginning of this season, I did pretty well, blocked a kick in the first game. I got a concussion in the third game and missed two games. I think I did OK after that, but I need to step it up in this game. I really believe special teams is going to decide this game."

The Enquirer - All-business Buckeyes bypass Bourbon Street
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He's up to 225lbs and at 6'1" and MUCH stronger than last year... Tyler will find PT, especially on Special Teams. He and Brian "The Human Missile" Rolle are going to terrorize return-men. He will probably be the #3 at SLB behind Terry and Gibson, but could also get jumped by Sabino there too. I hear nothing but great things about him, so you can't help but pull for the kid.
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I hear (from a very reliable source) that he put 225lbs up 25 times on the bench and ran the 5th fastest 40 on the team (Small did not run) a few weeks ago. For the second year in a row he has put up great workout numbers with a great work ethic.

I don't know where he playes next season or how much, but I can report that he loves being a Buckeye and he, as well as the team, are upbeat and chomping at the bit for the 08 season to get here.
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