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Rose Bowl possibilities

Not only do I want the Ducks, we need the Ducks. If we would beat Oregon State, it would played as we beat a team that back into the Rose Bowl (and could not beat Cincy at home). Playing Oregon would be a more interesting game for the rest of the county (more people will watch) and if we beat them it would set us up for a NC run next year.
Backed into the Rose Bowl? If they beat Oregon, it's not backing in. I care less and less each day about who we play. I really don't know enough about either team to know who we match up better again, but I'd take the better match up. It really doesn't matter who we beat, as long as we win the Rose Bowl. I'd take a win over the school of the blind in the Rose Bowl. This is the one bowl game where it's more about the bowl itself and less about the team you are playing.
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OSU vs. Oregon or Oregon State?

First off i would like to hear some predictions on the game this thursday night. i also would like to hear who would be the better matchup for the bucks and why. oregon runs an offense like florida does. they have a versatile qb and speedy rbs and wrs. however their defense is very suspect giving up a ton of points to just about everyone they have played. while with oregon state, they have a rb in rogers who has given every defense in the pac10 fits the last 2 yrs. unfortunately i believe the game is in oregon who has a very small but extremely loud crowd. i think we match up better with oregon state bc as we have proven in the past, we struggle against teams that run a spread style of offense. (excluding texas). our defense will have their hands full either way and our offense will have to execute and FINISH the game and not play for just 55 of the 60 min. if we can we will be Rose Bowl Champs!! lets go bucks!
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I'd prefer Oregon State

I don't necessarily think we've always struggled against teams with a spread style offense, however I think that this year's team is better off facing a non spread attack, simply because of some depth issues at corner.

Against Michigan we played with a safety in the nickel slot pretty much the entire game from what I saw, I know we do that to attack the running based spread attacks but I was surprised not to see that 3rd corner come onto the field at least every once in awhile when Michigan was having some success throwing the ball. Michigan DID have success moving the football before turnovers bit them in the ass. Oregon is going to be less likely to make that many glaring mistakes, so that's something the D will have to work on.

The thing about some of these high powered offenses though is that I think in the bowl preparation they can get out of sync a bit. Look at some of the Oklahoma teams or us in the Florida title game. Hell both Florida and Oklahoma looked pretty shaky on offense for a good deal of the title game last year. So this is something that can play to our advantage potentially
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I'd prefer Oregon, quality win.

After watching Oregon and Arizona play a week ago or so, I saw Oregons QB very prone to drop the ball on the turf. He did it like two or three times and every time it bounced back to him or it went Oregon's way. He is a mobile QB but doesn't hang on to the ball so if he gets Tatered then he will lose the ball a few times.

Arizona's D was able to pressure the QB and was able to gash the Oline so if Arizona can do it then I would bet money that our D line can do it. Plus their QB is very mobile, has very good sense of what the D is doing, pressure is what has to happen on a constant basis, not the typical prevent D that we always play in big games.

Our biggest question is our Offense, can we move the ball and score 6 not 3. Our running game has really stepped up and should be able to produce some good runs. In the Arizona game their D brought pressure and was able to get to Arizona's QB, our Oline will need to be healthy which they should to defend against the rush. Arizona was able to score 41 points so that adds to my hope of scoring some points.

Go bucks and beat the ducks.
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Scarletngray has it dead nuts. Tress has to get a 'quality' win against a Top 10 ranked opponent (or is it Top 5?) to help get rid of the choke factor. Now if we could get a SEC in the top 10 and whup up on them, then that's 'two chokes with one win'.

Not that OSU chokes, but cannot play with a top program (we are one folks), but you know how the pundits say, 'Oh how I hate Ohio State'.......

I'm just glad they're going back to the Rose Bowl after a 13 year absence (1997 and 2010). Does the team still stay at the Huntington? Does the Huntington still exist?

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: By the way, I believe that this team is one of the best teams that I've seen out of OSU for awhile. Not as much 'star-power' but as a team they've done very, very well. One shoulda won, one win they blew, and one win that we got luck on, but overall it was fun to watch them grow as a team. Next year is for all the marbles folks.....
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This'll go like the K-state game a few years back in 2003-04. Quick QB who can throw and run to go along with a quick speedster running back on the draws etc.

Oregon isn't as good as Texas was last year and we held up more than fine.

I don't care who we play because we're going to win.
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I don't understand the line of thinking that says we should want Oregon because it'd be a better win.

If we beat Oregon, we win the Rose Bowl. If we beat Oregon State, we win the Rose Bowl.

If we win the Rose Bowl, we're going to be a top 5 team next year no matter what. We might be even if we lose. Doesn't really matter who we beat as long as we win.

I think we'll play Oregon.
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How do we know in fact that Oregon is not as good as Texas last year?
We don't. But, we could actually be better. Getting a fully healthy Dex Larimore back would be major.
So maybe it balances out?
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