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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

my family gets harassed, my relatives get threatened
Interesting part about the vandalism, harrassment, etc allegations spread by RRod's camp... apparently no police were contacted about such harrassment & the kids were sent to school the next day. Kind of strange behavior if things were as serious/dangerous as they claim.

This divorce is dripping with innuendo on both sides.
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"It's very frustrating," Rodriguez said. "I knew there'd be some emotions involved when I left, but I wanted to take the high road. I've chosen to move on, but it's almost like it's something new every day, and it's totally ridiculous."

:slappy: :slappy: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :slappy: :slappy:
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osugrad21;1068472; said:
...but isn't that my point? National fanbases assumed everything was true about tOSU and JT...they pointed to YSU, former players, etc etc. without worrying about truth.

Now, it seems the fans are doing the same with Rodriguez.

Yea, I agree that there are similarities, and as with Tressel, only time will ultimately tell. From my perspective, the RR accusations seem to have a little more credibility than those against Tressel--and I was someone who was far from ready to blindly defend Tressel back then.

You are right though in that maybe we should lighten up and see where this all goes. OTOH, I can't say that I'm unhappy to watch UM and UM fans going through the same crap we went through. If nothing else, it might give them a little bit of a pause in the future before hurling their holier-than-thou shit around. Then again, the massive scandals that their basketball and baseball programs went through failed to shut them up, so that's probably an unrealistic expectation.
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I think this might be a long movie ...

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The only thing I would think is a certain problem is using WVU's call before the employment change was official. Unless he was encouraging Pryor to go to WVU, which doesn't seem to be the case from Pryor's quote, that call was unethical in my opinion. Possibly he thought of it as "his" call, but it wasn't.

No way to tell what happened with the paperwork... I'm sure RR didn't want anything unessential left behind for lawyers to comb through, but if required records or those necessary for the proper functioning of the team were destroyed, that's a problem. My guess is that WVU is exaggerating the situation, but there is no way to be sure.

The hostility of the WVU fans around the boards has reached almost frightening proportions, and I don't quite understand the dismissal of WVU's recent success in the rush to bash RR. That last game was not good, and the departure could have been better handled, but overall RR brought the program success to which they are unaccustomed... or perhaps that's the problem. I don't think you can doubt that RR's family is being harassed looking at the way he's discussed on the boards, and I'm sure it seems even worse viewed from the receiving end. More than a few posts in this thread have been over the top, and we're not nearly as close to the situation (yet) as the WVU fans are. I get the animosity, but actions and reactions do seem to be a bit out of kilter.

Anyway you look at it, though, RR's going to need some major help with PR if he's going to put himself in a position to be successful at Michigan. This level of distraction and the constant negative press are not going to be of any help in trying to prepare for next season.
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It's just an ugly break up that's getting uglier. Last year Tricky-Dick lead people to believe that he was never going to leave WVU, he played it for more money and the state loved him. Now, with his leaving and taking potential recruits and other coaches people feel that he didn't care about WVU at all, in fact the only thing he cares about is himself.

I agree that the paperwork situation is probably being blown way out of proportion, odds are they are missing some stuff that RR thought was his and that's about all there is to it, still though, he went to school there, he's not going to another school in the big east, the hope that he would leave the program in a spot to succeed seems to be far form the case. Yes, he had a lot of success there, but you almost get the feeling that he's leaving the program and wants them to know that success was him, not anyone else.

If I was RR, I would be more concerned about damage control at this point, he needs to just pay up, shut up and get to work at scUM, because the entire nation is laughing at the state up north. Rodriguez has become the butt of every joke, his recruiting practices brought into question as well as his integrity. You have former recruits coming out and trash talking him and all of this sends a message to college football fans "Michigan just cares about winning, at all costs" which isn't a good image for that school to be obtaining. Stuck up douchebags? yes, but after the fab-5 they did a lot of damage control to get the integrity of their sports programs back to where it is.

The real problem is here RR fighting it so hard, he's trashing the school instead of just paying the buy out, let's face it, if he pays that buy out everyone shuts up and he's off the hook for the most part.
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On the HS level, there are multiple copies of everything in a player/team file dispersed amongst multiple departments and people.

We are talking about a NCAA D-1 University.

I cannot imagine anything of University business importance being solely in RR's office.
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Sporting News: Getting RichRod Quick Makes Me Feel Poor

Getting RichRod Quick Makes Me Feel Poor

Jan 17, 2008 09:29 AM
By H. Jose Bosch, Michigan

In the time since Lloyd?s last stand to today the Wolverines have learned that they?ll lose three top offensive players (Arrington, Mallet and Manningham), keep one solid defensive player (Terrence Taylor) and have one major headache with Rich Rodriguez.

Seriously, has a hire ever gone this crazy without involving strippers or falsified resumes? I mean, even Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama play nicer than Rich Rodriguez and the University of West Virginia. This saga has just turned into every single junior high school dance: a girl takes it a little too personal when her dream guy refuses to dance twice and next thing you know she?s in the hallway crying while the chaperones try to console her. Or him if we?re talking about my scarring junior high experiences.

First it was the name calling, and the whining from the fans in Morgantown. Yes, that?s what I?m calling it: whining. But then it was taken to a whole new level when death threats and Rodriguez?s children were being ridiculed in their school. Following the big bowl win over Oklahoma, things shifted to the more reasonable response of ?Well go ahead, you can have him!? Now West Virginia is accusing Rodriguez of losing ? er ? shredding all files that pertained to football players. I mean, this is all way too weird.

First of all, what self respecting university tells its head football coach, ?Here, keep track of everything your players do and keep it separate from us. Oh and don?t bother backing the paper files up on a computer. We won?t need them in the event you suddenly bolt for another job and need to cover your trail.?

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Only time will tell where all of this goes and where the bulk of the blame lies. One thing is for sure there will be blame to go on both sides. I have stated on other forums on more than one occasion that WVU clearly did not trust Rich after the Alabama courtship when they increased his buyout to what even by todays standards seems excessive to four million dollars. Was this level of distrust warranted? It would seem so, but with that said I would expect that they would have been more diligent in their handling of his final departure and subsequent removal of his "personal" items from University property based on this fact.

Now on Rich's part I can say that my choice of occupation for the past 10 years has put me into a position to deal with highly successfull and in a few cases highly arrogant individuals. So as far as the cell phone allegations and the allegations of missing files and the response by many TSUN fans who ask, would he really be that stupid? The answer is yes, but not because of stupidity. The major component of an arrogant personality is a sense of being untouchable and bulletproof. But many times this leads to making questionable decisions that can come back in an unfavorable way. Whether or not Rich is an arrogant personality is not for me or anyone else to judge. As Steve19 has said on more than one occasion he is telling you who he is, just listen.

This entire episode is damaging all of us because it is more negative, founded or not, publicity on our conference and our rivalry. I know we all have an inborn hatred of all things maize and blue and revel in the prospect of this being a trump card when it comes to the largest recruiting prize on the market, and believe me I want him in Columbus as much as anyone, but I am getting the feeling that a quick and quiet ending to all of this controversy is in all of our best interest.
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brutus2002;1068272; said:
Michigan better WTFU and do something fast. This perception of RamRod is only going to hurt Michigan in recruiting. Some parents are gonna be turned off by this. I hope the saga continues to go round and round. The more time he has dealing with this the less time he has to spend on coaching.

Tressel already has a fence around Ohio...its getting bigger and bigger. If Michigan doesn't get Pryor and/or tanks next season OSU will be gaining ground on them at an astronomical rate. If we win the conference and go to the championship game again it will only get worse for Michigan.

I hope his ego keeps this thing going for months. The best possible situation is if lawsuits filed...his image will continue to hit rock bottom.
Keep in mind - there are only two places where the shitstorm is raging full throttle. Columbus and Morgantown. You guys have really worked yourself up over this and convinced yourself that RR is a scumbag of galactic proportions. The rest of the country - they aren't even talking about it. I'm not just talking about Ann Arbor, I mean everyone. Not even the RCMB, which is more or less MSU's equivalent of BP, has anywhere near this kind of talk about it.

So the idea that the UM AD is going to "wake up" and suddenly start seeing what you see.....unlikely. It is not of such astronomical proportions that it will hurt Michigan in recruiting - surely, if Oklahoma can still recruit after the Rhett Bomar thing, and FSU can still recruit after everything that's happened to them, Michigan can still recruit too, so don't get your hopes up. Michigan just the other day picked up a linebacker out of Youngstown, so this "fence around Ohio" must have some holes near Toledo.
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