OCBucksFan -
You're asking why I continue to stand up for Rodriguez when it seems clear to all in scarlet and gray that he's lower than a snake.
First, see above, it's part of my point.
Next, I wouldn't be here - a Michigan fan on an Ohio State site - if I didn't enjoy the arguments. Rep dings be damned. If I get a red mark or two for being a homer, so what? I like the arguments. I hope it spices things up for you guys too. It's more fun than reading 200 posts from fellow Michigan fans that those dingbats in Columbus are out to get us. (Almost unanimously, Michigan fans are thrilled to have hired Rodriguez and don't have the slightest concern in the world that Buckeye fans don't like him.)
Do you not think that RR deserves even the slightest benefit of the doubt from Michigan fans? Nobody is perfect. Of course we know that RR has some sketchy recruits on his record. Of course we think he'd have done better by waiting four hours to call Terrelle Pryor. Of course we wish he'd just pay or settle the $4M, and that the school would step up to help. (Though I imagine the school's hands became tied a bit when WVU filed the lawsuit.) The ideal coach is a flame-wielding seraphim with access to Jim Tressel's playbook, but that doesn't exist. And yes, even Tressel has a blotch or two on his record. If you're willing to overlook the giant shitstain that is Maurice Clarett and all the accusations and allegations that swirled around him, surely I'm allowed to overlook Pac-Man Jones and Noel Devine - both of whom, it has not escaped my notice, along with Chris Henry, managed to stay out of trouble while at WVU. ("But Pat Lazear!" I've addressed that too. At WVU, you take what you can get. RR is not the entire athletic dept. and I have my doubts he'll be allowed to recruit felons to the school, and he really won't need to, so I'm not concerned. I'll be disappointed if he does, but I don't think he will.)
Anyway, I do think Michigan fans owe RR the benefit
We are not supporting RR for no other reason than "doing well in the Big East." He's been successful at every stop with far fewer resources than he'll have at Michigan. He brings with him a terrific-looking cadre of assistants.
This may well be a lose-only position, at least on a Buckeye site. I don't care. There will never be some tell-all exonerating event that will make you guys go, "wow, we were so wrong about this guy!" The likely scenario as I see it will be that this shredding stuff goes away quietly, because there's very little to it IMO, and many of you guys will continue to believe the worst. When I post things about, say, RR visiting players at their homes and taking an interest in their lives, all I get in reply is, "Do you really think that would change my opinion?" Would anything? I don't get an answer to that question. I could post the story on ESPN where RR pretty much denies everything, but would anyone here believe it? So I don't harbor any illusions that you guys will jump to my side and "see the light" as it were, but I don't care. I believe what I believe about the guy, and I don't believe anything even approaching the worst, and I'm not gonna change what I say and shut up or suck up just to curry favor.