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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

ShakerBuck;1162387; said:

Former West Virginia University football coach Rich Rodriguez's deposition in his ongoing lawsuit against West Virginia University has been released.
Officials made the 331 page testimony available for the first time today.
The Rodriguez deposition, which took place on April 21 in Romulus, Michigan, is the second of many which will be released over the next several weeks. The deposition of West Virginia University Athletic Director Ed Pastilong was released last week......

RR Deposition released

From the deposition.... (I am going to paraphrase into one question a whole slew of questions.....)

Q: Have you discussed today's deposition today with Bill Martin, Mary Sue Coleman, Calvin McGee, Coach Frey, Coach Gibson, Mike Barwiss, the other Michigan coaches or any U of M boosters?

A: From RR: NO

I am not going to call the man a liar, but I would have at least mentioned to someone on my staff that I would be at a deposition today and would be unavailable. In my mind that could be interpreted at discussing.....

I would have at least answered the questions as yes, but just to inform them of my presence here....
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osubartender23;1162522; said:
Ooooh maybe we could start a rumor about DickRod having an affair with a 15 year old country singer........
Well, there were the cheerleader rumors at wvu. I have a hard time buying those though. What hot co-ed wants a romp with a doughy douchebag with bad hairplugs that dresses like a cheap used-car salesman?
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BuckeyeNation27;1162424; said:
fred davis told him it was a good idea.
Fred Davis overslept and missed the plane ...

FanNation's take on a claim RR made in the deposition
- they tortured me, they were going to skin Rita alive before my eyes, roast my children on spits, they, they ...

They coerced me into signing that contract!
(I think they must have used the comfy chair).:tongue2:
Rich Rodriguez Claims He Was Coerced Into Signing Contract. Yeah, Right.

Michigan Coach Rich Rodriguez, in his tireless effort to weasel his way out of paying his buy-out, has reached the point which even casual observers will recognize as the beginning of the end: he's just making stuff up now.
:slappy: "tireless effort to weasel his way out of paying his buy-out"
A Fox Sports column today asserts that, in a deposition, Rodriguez claimed that he was "coerced" into signing his contract. Coerced. Into signing a multi-million dollar contract. Somehow, it seems, that Rodriguez wants us to believe that the powers that be at West Virginia are powerful enough to intimidate him into signing on the dotted line, despite his ready access to legal counsel, agents, financial advisors, and really any other sort of assistance he could ever want.

This is, in a word, nonsense.

Double :slappy:

No make that :slappy: , :slappy:

Coercion is an interesting claim. A textbook, easy case of coercion would be if WVU's President had held a gun to Rodriguez's head and told him to sign the contract. Not all instances of coercion are as straight-forward, but they all contain the same premise: that the contract was signed under duress from some sort of threat.

What sort of threat would WVU have even been able to legitimately make?

The simple answer: there really isn't one and if there had been, this wouldn't be the first we heard of it. This is an example of Rodriguez tossing out words he doesn't really know the meaning of because they sound good. This is typically what people do when the truth doesn't sound quite good enough.

More of the same strong invective at FanNation - the original Fox article is here.
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Seriously, the more this idiot says about this crap, the bigger buffoon he ends up looking like. :slappy:

Just fucking pay up for Pete's sake and stop making a total ass out of yourself. I guess the slavery comment didn't hit home like he wanted, so now he has to go for coercion. What's next, they promised him a lollipop and didn't come through?
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Yeah, well have you ever been held over the balcony of a hotel mother fucker?

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Either RR's attorney is the worst practicing lawyer in the United States or RR just flatly ignores him and says whatever rock fucking dumb thing that enters his gourd. This is unbelievably stupid - I hope the judgment against him includes damages to WVU's rep on the order of several million.
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