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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)

Leake's pitching so of course we're down 5-1 through two and a half innings. I don't think I've ever seen someone who needs a bag of dicks to eat more than Leake. He's the most worthless POS on this roster (which is saying something). Until the Reds get rid of Duhsty and TakeaLeake they won't win shit. Did I mention I FUCKING HATE LEAKE?!
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3 HR given up through the 1.5 weeks for Hoover. Losing Marshall really hurts, seeing as we have nobody else to come in during the 7th inning. This is a knee jerk reaction, but we really should bring up Arredondo to replace Parra, so we have more options in the 7th with Marshall on the shelf. Parra has given us nothing thus far, so hopefully he comes through here.

EDIT: Parra walks the only batter he faces. Another reason I dislike having a LOOGY is that Dusty will always get outfoxed by the other manager--that of course is a rather specific example to the blanket statement that Dusty will always get outfoxed by the other manager.
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Jt4prez;2327895; said:
3 HR given up through the 1.5 weeks for Hoover. Losing Marshall really hurts, seeing as we have nobody else to come in during the 7th inning. This is a knee jerk reaction, but we really should bring up Arredondo to replace Parra, so we have more options in the 7th with Marshall on the shelf. Parra has given us nothing thus far, so hopefully he comes through here.

EDIT: Parra walks the only batter he faces. Another reason I dislike having a LOOGY is that Dusty will always get outfoxed by the other manager--that of course is a rather specific example to the blanket statement that Dusty will always get outfoxed by the other manager.

Doesn't matter. The Spanish language has over 1000 ways to say "gas can" and "Parra" and "Arredondo" are two of them.
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The top of the ninth in Pissburgh just isn't the same without...

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jlb1705;2327908; said:
The top of the ninth in Pissburgh just isn't the same without...



You're right, but a little grilled cheese from Jason Grilli on National Grilled Cheese Day does the trick.

They had to get Phillips out sooner or later. :pirate1:
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