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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)

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If things remain as they are right now for the next couple of weeks, we have to see Cingrani up here in May. He's looking awesome so far and Leake isnt. Pretty simple.

I also agree with Paul getting some more playing time.
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Bestbuck36;2328005; said:
If things remain as they are right now for the next couple of weeks, we have to see Cingrani up here in May. He's looking awesome so far and Leake isnt. Pretty simple.

I also agree with Paul getting some more playing time.

I'm just as bearish on Leake as the next person, but, for the sake of proper development, I would leave Cingrani in LOU through at least the All-Star Break. Cingrani has a below average breaking ball, which needs some refinement. The 6 inning, 14 K no hitter that he threw was basically him just throwing fastballs by hitters; Cingrani, himself, said he used the fastball almost exclusively. I'd rather just stick it out with Leake, after all it has only been two starts, because if Cingrani comes up hitters are going to learn pretty quickly to sit on the fastball.

Paul needs more starts. Heisey needs to sit.
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Jt4prez;2328015; said:
I'm just as bearish on Leake as the next person, but, for the sake of proper development, I would leave Cingrani in LOU through at least the All-Star Break. Cingrani has a below average breaking ball, which needs some refinement. The 6 inning, 14 K no hitter that he threw was basically him just throwing fastballs by hitters; Cingrani, himself, said he used the fastball almost exclusively. I'd rather just stick it out with Leake, after all it has only been two starts, because if Cingrani comes up hitters are going to learn pretty quickly to sit on the fastball.

Paul needs more starts. Heisey needs to sit.

I still say the biggest issue will be production from LF. I think sitting around hoping Ludwick will not only come back but actually contribute this year is less than realistic.

If I were a fan of an organization with a brain I'd be hoping they would make a deadline deal for a veteran FA to be corner OF. Preferably one that swings a big fucking stick from the right side of the plate in return for a mid level prospect. Cash in those kind of deals usually gets balanced by the quality of the prospect sent back in return.

Continuing on aboard the train to fantasy land I'd look around and see Mike Morse up in Seattle and say he pretty much fits the bill perfectly. FA to be, big RH bat, AL team that will most likely be a seller.

But that's just me in my "fantasy GM of a team built to win right now" mode. We al know they'll be 30 games under .500 at the trade deadline with half the 40 man roster on the DL or dead so none of this will matter a single fuck.
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2nd inning same as first. Lead off man on 2nd, they can't score.

Heisey is not only talent deprived he's a dumb fuck of a ball player.

JFC football needs to get here.
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Heisey litteraly gets the bat knocked out of his hand.

They go in nauseatingly weak order.

Like prison bitches putting their head down and taking the slow long walk to the showers.
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Our record is decent, but it's hard to imagine the season starting out any worse for the Reds. Losing our number 4 hitter and now Cueto has an issue with his arm definitely stings. Good thing we moved Chapman to the bullpen...
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