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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)

Bestbuck36;2327189; said:
Choo looked like a dumbass in Center last night but I love the way he plays.

Fucking Cozart. :!

Right back where we were last year, 2 auto outs in the lineup every night, one in OF one at SS.

They are going to have to replace Ludwick and this triple headed platoon of futility outfielders isn't going to cut it.
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Jaxbuck;2327191; said:
Right back where we were last year, 2 auto outs in the lineup every night, one in OF one at SS.

They are going to have to replace Ludwick and this triple headed platoon of futility outfielders isn't going to cut it.

He's not a household name and won't keep his current pace going, but why the hell isnt Paul getting to play LF?
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In case you missed it, the Cards have lost their closer:

An MRI Tuesday on Jason Motte's right elbow revealed a tear in his ulnar collateral ligament.

He will be shut down until May 1, and if he cannot progress by that point, he will undergo Tommy John surgery.

If Motte's ulnar collateral ligament heals itself in three weeks, it'd be a medical miracle.

Motte's agent should have taken me up my offer for compensation for not drafting him in fantasy leagues. I did, now his career is over. I also drafted Ludwick.
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