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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)


Look at this simple sumbitch.
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Bestbuck36;2327162; said:
Motherfucking Duhsty!!

I told you last inning he was about to get raked. Dumbass. There it goes

Skip, what are you doing out here on the mound?

I'm taking you out, Bronson.

But I've got a perfect game going.

You won't if you face anymore batters. I'm doing you a favor.
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Dryden;2327167; said:
Skip, what are you doing out here on the mound?

I'm taking you out, Bronson.

But I've got a perfect game going.

You won't if you face anymore batters. I'm doing you a favor.

PERFECT! That's what a good manager would do.

Should have had a guy at least get warmed up. Its April not July.
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