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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)

Dryden;2327222; said:
In case you missed it, the Cards have lost their closer:

If Motte's ulnar collateral ligament heals itself in three weeks, it'd be a medical miracle.

Motte's agent should have taken me up my offer for compensation for not drafting him in fantasy leagues. I did, now his career is over. I also drafted Ludwick.

Would it be in bad taste for the reds to offer their medical staff for the surgery?
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My bad, gents. As I was leaving the office after the 5th inning, I stuck my head in the other office to mention that "Nothing is going on in the Reds game." Then the 6th inning happened. Oops.
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Well our incredible hitters have allowed Westbrook to pitch 51 pitches through 5. Also, Bailey gives up a solo HR, followed up by a single, a double by Holliday in which Heisey bobbles the ball and allows the runner to score. Now a 2 run HR as I type this. FUCK this team.
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buckeyescott11;2327365; said:
Well our incredible hitters have allowed Westbrook to pitch 51 pitches through 5. Also, Bailey gives up a solo HR, followed up by a single, a double by Holliday in which Heisey bobbles the ball and allows the runner to score. Now a 2 run HR as I type this. FUCK this team.

Bailey had run his consecutive scoreless inning streak up to 23 dating back to the last regular season. His postseason appearance against the Giants was excellent -- in total a little over 30 innings and allowed a grand total of 1 run.

The oncoming statistical correction is going to be a bitch.
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Patrick Bateman;2327374; said:
Always count on Bruce for a whiff...Can't hit a sinker for [Mark May]...

Fire Brook Jacoby please....The Reds strike out more than any team I've ever saw...GD!

While I hate strikeouts there is nothing more infuriating for me than watching worse less pieces of shit go complete games throwing less than 100 pitches. This team shows they can be good when they work a count but they choose not to. Hey Bailey, fuck you! Another fucking HR.
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Bucky Katt;2327386; said:
I think they decide to go with a 12 instead.

These losers have had their old #6 dance card punched so many times they don't even know its happening anymore.

They take the prison bitch approach of less struggle = less pain.
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Jaxbuck;2327387; said:
These losers have had their old #6 dance card punched so many times they don't even know its happening anymore.

They take the prison bitch approach of less struggle = less pain.

WB's -->
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