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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)

Bucknut24;2304430; said:
I laugh at some of the facebook comments on the Reds page, one chick saying getting rid of stubbs is the dumbest decision they ever made :slappy:


*sigh of contentment*......neither of them plays for the Reds anymore.

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Bucknut24;2304430; said:
I laugh at some of the facebook comments on the Reds page, one chick saying getting rid of stubbs is the dumbest decision they ever made :slappy:

I wonder if the dumb whore remembers that little doozie where they drafted Warren instead of Tim Lincecum?
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Honor&Glory;2304480; said:
I've hated Stubby for so long...I have no idea who I am going to hate this year (aside from Duh-sty)...

(waits patiently for Jax to chime in with 'all of them')


I'm 99% certain Cozart and Frazier will go in the shitter while Didi does great things in Arizona.
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Honor&Glory;2304480; said:
I've hated Stubby for so long...I have no idea who I am going to hate this year (aside from Duh-sty)...

(waits patiently for Jax to chime in with 'all of them')


Dryden;2304670; said:
I'm 99% certain Cozart and Frazier will go in the shitter while Didi does great things in Arizona.

I'm a little off center without my favorite whipping boy myself.

My potential replacement list is the entire left side of the diamond offensively . I think they are all highly capable of making me forget Warren.

Also, I am going to have a pretty quick trigger on long duck dong out in CF I think.

Then of course there is always Dhusty.
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Jaxbuck;2304693; said:
I'm a little off center without my favorite whipping boy myself.

My potential replacement list is the entire left side of the diamond offensively . I think they are all highly capable of making me forget Warren.

Also, I am going to have a pretty quick trigger on long duck dong out in CF I think.

Then of course there is always Dhusty.


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