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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)

scott91575;2299050; said:
Reds sign Miguel Olivo and Manny Parra (who actually gets a 1 year deal and put on the 40 man with Redmond DFA'd). There is your new LOOGY folks. He better not throw a single pitch vs. righties.

Get ready to love Parra. When he loses it, it's downhill in a hurry.

He's also a mental midget (fights with fans on Twitter, etc.).
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Per Rotoworld, the whiniest of the Whiny Bitches may be retiring:

Chris Carpenter - S - Cardinals

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Chris Carpenter is considering retirement and is expected to address his future at a press conference on Tuesday.

Carpenter was limited to three regular season starts and three postseason starts last season following surgery for thoracic outlet syndrome, but he said last month that he was feeling good. It's possible that he has encountered a setback since. The 37-year-old right-hander has 144 wins and a 3.76 ERA over 15 major league seasons and won the National League Cy Young Award in 2005. Losing Carpenter would be a big blow for the Cardinals, but they could turn to some of their young arms or reach out to free agent right-hander Kyle Lohse.
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BengalsAndBucks;2300786; said:
Per Rotoworld, the whiniest of the Whiny Bitches may be retiring:

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Sounds like even if he doesn't retire he is not going to pitch this year. Doesn't really matter, either the Cards' young arms will suddenly become great or they will pick a guy off the scrap heap and he will have a career year.
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scott91575;2300822; said:
Sounds like even if he doesn't retire he is not going to pitch this year. Doesn't really matter, either the Cards' young arms will suddenly become great or they will pick a guy off the scrap heap and he will have a career year.

Jason Simontacchi Jr., come on down!
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scott91575;2300822; said:
Sounds like even if he doesn't retire he is not going to pitch this year. Doesn't really matter, either the Cards' young arms will suddenly become great or they will pick a guy off the scrap heap and he will have a career year.

jlb1705;2300825; said:
Jason Simontacchi Jr., come on down!

Ben McDonald you're the next contest on the arm is right....
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