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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)

So apparently RedsZone decided to open up access to the ORG, and instead of making people "audition" in their leper colony subforum in the hopes of winning enough votes from the board nobles, now you just need 50 posts and 45 days of membership to get in. That means that I, of 51 posts over six and a half years, now have access to the ORG.

With spring training upon us I ask, how long do you think I last before I'm banned? And for bonus points, predict the botched play, managerial move or player acquisition that will send me over the edge and into a blaze of internet glory.
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jlb1705;2303989; said:
So apparently RedsZone decided to open up access to the ORG, and instead of making people "audition" in their leper colony subforum in the hopes of winning enough votes from the board nobles, now you just need 50 posts and 45 days of membership to get in. That means that I, of 51 posts over six and a half years, now have access to the ORG.

Congrats! Enjoy your stay!!
With spring training upon us I ask, how long do you think I last before I'm banned? And for bonus points, predict the botched play, managerial move or player acquisition that will send me over the edge and into a blaze of internet glory.

I'd bet on the first routine fly ball into left center field that Jay Bruce or Choo or whoever they put into centerfield plays into a triple, which then BP attempts to relay into home, only to throw 30 rows into the crowd :evil:
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jlb1705;2303989; said:
With spring training upon us I ask, how long do you think I last before I'm banned? And for bonus points, predict the botched play, managerial move or player acquisition that will send me over the edge and into a blaze of internet glory.

MLB rescinds the Choo deal, Warren is in CF and leading off. You are perma banned on opening day, bottom 1, 1 feeble strike out into the 2013 season.
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Jaxbuck;2303998; said:
MLB rescinds the Choo deal, Warren is in CF and leading off. You are perma banned on opening day, bottom 1, 1 feeble strike out into the 2013 season.

Hell, I'll probably listen to a Reds-Indians spring training game, forget Warren plays for another team now, and pop off at the mouth. :lol:

Having lurked there for so many years, the only time I really get the itch to post something is when somebody needs to be told that they are a dumbass. This will end well.
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jlb1705;2304006; said:
The funny thing is, whatever I end up doing to get shitcanned there will be considered downright tame and optimistic by the standard we've set here. :lol:

Hey you keep it up with the doom and gloom posts and SOMETHING positive is bound to happen, right? RIGHT???? :biggrin:
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TooTallMenardo;2304008; said:
Hey you keep it up with the doom and gloom posts and SOMETHING positive is bound to happen, right? RIGHT???? :biggrin:

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jlb1705;2304006; said:
The funny thing is, whatever I end up doing to get shitcanned there will be considered downright tame and optimistic by the standard we've set here. :lol:

RZ reaction to Drew Stubbs K on OD: "I really wish Drew would get his OBP up, it's really starting to frustrate me. Oh well, the season is young"

BP reaction to the same: "I hope that fucking big forheaded retarded cocksucker dies in a grease fire. These fucktards are going to lose 100+, when does fucking football start?"
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Jaxbuck;2304020; said:
RZ reaction to Drew Stubbs K on OD: "I really wish Drew would get his OBP up, it's really starting to frustrate me. Oh well, the season is young"

BP reaction to the same: "I hope that fucking big forheaded retarded cocksucker dies in a grease fire. These fucktards are going to lose 100+, when does fucking football start?"

Spot on! :lol:
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DGADBTWSOM;2304050; said:
Ah, my all time favorite Reds viewing passtime: Turn to FSN at game time, click the "subscribed thread only" box on bpspy and enjoy; RZ has nothing on this Reds thread, keep up the good work. 50 days until first loss.

Fixed. You optimists make me sick. They suck donkey balls.
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