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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)

Jaxbuck;2276782; said:
The Dodgers DFA'd Scott Van Slyke tonight to make room for Skip F.

I would bring that kid in for competition if nothing else. Ton of potential, plays 1B and both corner OF. He gets it together and you have a steal.

Here is where I get fuzzy on the rules.

Van Slyke is out of options. So he is DFA'd. Not sure if the Dodgers are going to put him through waivers or just release him. Waivers is the traditional choice, but sometimes teams are nice enough to just release a guy so he can pick his team.

If he goes onto waivers and claimed, does he end up with a minor league deal or is he stuck on the 40 man with no options like the Dodgers were stuck with? If it's a minor league deal, he would get snapped up quick (would not get to the Reds). If it's a major league deal, no way the Reds waste guaranteed money (even rookie money) and a spot on the 40 man on a guy for a tryout.

So I guess the hope is either the Dodgers are nice and release him, or if they put him on waivers teams are required to give him a major league deal if they claim him. If either is the case, then yeah, give the guy a minor league offer. Yet I am sure teams are going to line up for that, and the Reds would need to get lucky.
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scott91575;2276794; said:
Here is where I get fuzzy on the rules.

Van Slyke is out of options. So he is DFA'd. Not sure if the Dodgers are going to put him through waivers or just release him. Waivers is the traditional choice, but sometimes teams are nice enough to just release a guy so he can pick his team.

If he goes onto waivers and claimed, does he end up with a minor league deal or is he stuck on the 40 man with no options like the Dodgers were stuck with? If it's a minor league deal, he would get snapped up quick (would not get to the Reds). If it's a major league deal, no way the Reds waste guaranteed money (even rookie money) and a spot on the 40 man on a guy for a tryout.

So I guess the hope is either the Dodgers are nice and release him, or if they put him on waivers teams are required to give him a major league deal if they claim him. If either is the case, then yeah, give the guy a minor league offer. Yet I am sure teams are going to line up for that, and the Reds would need to get lucky.

Ditto for me on rule fuzz but my assumption was give him a MiL contract flyer and its nothing but upside.

Agree that there will be a line of teams doing the same thing (I would think).
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scott91575;2276794; said:
Here is where I get fuzzy on the rules.

Van Slyke is out of options. So he is DFA'd. Not sure if the Dodgers are going to put him through waivers or just release him. Waivers is the traditional choice, but sometimes teams are nice enough to just release a guy so he can pick his team.

If he goes onto waivers and claimed, does he end up with a minor league deal or is he stuck on the 40 man with no options like the Dodgers were stuck with? If it's a minor league deal, he would get snapped up quick (would not get to the Reds). If it's a major league deal, no way the Reds waste guaranteed money (even rookie money) and a spot on the 40 man on a guy for a tryout.

So I guess the hope is either the Dodgers are nice and release him, or if they put him on waivers teams are required to give him a major league deal if they claim him. If either is the case, then yeah, give the guy a minor league offer. Yet I am sure teams are going to line up for that, and the Reds would need to get lucky.

My understanding is that when a guy is claimed off waivers, the team that claims him assumes all of the terms and conditions that the team that waived him had - hence when an expensive guy is put on waivers, the team that makes the claim assumes his full salary.

I believe he would either have to clear waivers or be outrighted in order to be available for another team to negotiated a minor league contract.
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Wilson Valdez - SS - Giants

Giants signed SS Wilson Valdez to a minor league contract.

Valdez elected free agency last month and batted only .206/.236/.227 in 77 games for the Reds this past season. He'll compete for a utility job with the Giants in spring training.
Part of me wants to be ecstatic that someone else signed him and so we literally can't now... but the Red's fan in me knows this just means we're going to have to give up assets in order to trade for him.
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AuburnBuckeye;2281166; said:
Woooooow. I'm honestley depressed by this for the first time i can think of in any news story in a while, most times this kinda stuff doesn't bother me as much, this time it's cutting deep. This dude had everything to live for. Sooooo sad

So you made it through the Newtown stuff ok but Freel offing himself actually depresses you?

Sad news about Freel to be sure and I agree with Dryden, the first thing I thought of was all the concussions. Then I remembered he had an imaginary friend as an adult to start with and I wasn't all that shocked. I'm at the point now where I'm glad crazy fuckers only off themselves.

RIP Freel/Farney. Thanks for not taking a bunch of innocent strangers with you.
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Jaxbuck;2281184; said:
So you made it through the Newtown stuff ok but Freel offing himself actually depresses you?

Sad news about Freel to be sure and I agree with Dryden, the first thing I thought of was all the concussions. Then I remembered he had an imaginary friend as an adult to start with and I wasn't all that shocked. I'm at the point now where I'm glad crazy [censored]ers only off themselves.

RIP Freel/Farney. Thanks for not taking a bunch of innocent strangers with you.

I see what you're saying but i've sorta got to the point where i expect that [Mark May] to happen every couple months. As sad as it is these shootings have become almost a regular news story. This really hit me from the stand point i never saw it coming. I guess I didn't know all the issues he had
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Saddest Christmas I can remember in a long long time. This holiday has been terrible for this country all the way around for the most part.

Let's hope the New Year is a start to better days ahead.
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