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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)

assholes...this is worse then the time Castro sent 10,000 inmates, lepers and pedophiles to Miami and declared he had "Flushed the toilets of Cuba"...i can only hope you put choo in centerfield so i can at least have some sort of entertainment from this trade...assholes...all of you
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y0yoyoin;2276322; said:
assholes...this is worse then the time Castro sent 10,000 inmates, lepers and pedophiles to Miami and declared he had "Flushed the toilets of Cuba"...i can only hope you put choo in centerfield so i can at least have some sort of entertainment from this trade...assholes...all of you

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BftPWuOrS8o"]Tanaka pregame speech - YouTube[/ame]
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Tanner;2276338; said:
I really like this deal for the Indians too. The DBacks just got absolutely ripped off

That is pretty much what I posted in the Indians thread. They could have gotten so much more for a top 10 prospect who is also a starting pitcher. This trade baffles me from their point of view.
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scott91575;2276341; said:
That is pretty much what I posted in the Indians thread. They could have gotten so much more for a top 10 prospect who is also a starting pitcher. This trade baffles me from their point of view.

They must be pretty confident he's never going to put it together for whatever reason.

But back to the Reds

Their offense is going to take a legit step forward this year as long as Dusty doesn't hit Cozart 2nd
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Tanner;2276363; said:
Their offense is going to take a legit step forward this year as long as Dusty doesn't hit Cozart 2nd

My fear is they slide Bruce into CF and Choo to right for defensive reasons.

RF can't lead off dude. Now what the fuck do we do?
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scott91575;2276299; said:
I don't expect him to OPS .900, but over .600 would be nice. A player like Wilson Betemit, or hell, what is Jerry Hairston Jr. doing these days? I can probably name off the top of my head 10 better utility guys, and probably find more than 15. My only hope is Donald gets somewhat back to his previous form, which is more like what I would expect.

oh, and I am fine with Paul.

Ok I got to thinking about the bench;

Mesoraco -back up C........he's in
Donald -back up middle infielder......just traded for him so he's in
Heisey- 4th OF.....seems obvious

Now that leaves 2 spots and instead of a redundant all glove/no hit guy like Hanahan I say you go for offense. Here are a couple of FA vet names I'll throw out there....1year/1-2MM type of money only

Casey McGehee- 3B/1B backup and gives you RH power off the bench
Bobby Abreu- theoretically an outfielder who can still mash a bit from the LH side.

Others would include guys like Thome, Overbay or Giambi.

All in all, for all the years I've spent railing against crappy vets this is the year you go get 1 or 2 for the bench and use them for what they are good for.

I just don't like to look at the current bench with Paul and Hannahan add to the 3 we know for sure and wonder where the late inning power threat is going to come from.
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Running back through my Twitter timeline and see one stat I did not know off the official Reds feed: Choo and Ian Kinsler were the only MLB players in 2012 to post at least 40 doubles, 15 HRs, and 20 SBs.

And the Indians were 12th out of 14 AL teams for most strike outs last year. Now they've added Mark Reynolds and Drew Stubbs to the line up. :lol:
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Dryden;2276403; said:
And the Indians were 12th out of 14 AL teams for most strike outs last year. Now they've added Mark Reynolds and Drew Stubbs to the line up. :lol:

I think you misread that stat.

Cleveland "only" struck out 1087 times last year. Only two teams had fewer strikeouts (Minny and Kansas City).

However they added Stubbs (166 and he barely played in September) and Reynolds (159 and he played spot duty until he had to fill in at 1st base for half of the year). Choo struck out 150 times last year, but he 100 more ABs than Stubbs and 150 more Abs than Reynolds. Cleveland might break the AL record for most Ks in a season by a team if those two get every day playing time.
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Jaxbuck;2276379; said:
Ok I got to thinking about the bench;

Mesoraco -back up C........he's in
Donald -back up middle infielder......just traded for him so he's in
Heisey- 4th OF.....seems obvious

Now that leaves 2 spots and instead of a redundant all glove/no hit guy like Hanahan I say you go for offense. Here are a couple of FA vet names I'll throw out there....1year/1-2MM type of money only

Casey McGehee- 3B/1B backup and gives you RH power off the bench
Bobby Abreu- theoretically an outfielder who can still mash a bit from the LH side.

Others would include guys like Thome, Overbay or Giambi.

All in all, for all the years I've spent railing against crappy vets this is the year you go get 1 or 2 for the bench and use them for what they are good for.

I just don't like to look at the current bench with Paul and Hannahan add to the 3 we know for sure and wonder where the late inning power threat is going to come from.

I still think you need a guy that can actually play the field for the extra outfielder. The Reds will be looking to replace 2 outfielders late game now. Paul and Heisey give you that, and also bat from different sides of the plate. McGehee is probably not a bad thought for a backup 3B, 1B. That is the one position I would like to see a real hitter, although I am not sure McGehee is that. Plus he is still probably looking for at least a part time gig, not pinch hitter/utility guy that starts maybe once a week. At this point I am pretty sure it's whomever falls into the Reds lap for a cheap price.
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Jaxbuck;2276379; said:
Ok I got to thinking about the bench;

Mesoraco -back up C........he's in
Donald -back up middle infielder......just traded for him so he's in
Heisey- 4th OF.....seems obvious

Now that leaves 2 spots and instead of a redundant all glove/no hit guy like Hanahan I say you go for offense. Here are a couple of FA vet names I'll throw out there....1year/1-2MM type of money only

Casey McGehee- 3B/1B backup and gives you RH power off the bench
Bobby Abreu- theoretically an outfielder who can still mash a bit from the LH side.

Others would include guys like Thome, Overbay or Giambi.

All in all, for all the years I've spent railing against crappy vets this is the year you go get 1 or 2 for the bench and use them for what they are good for.

I just don't like to look at the current bench with Paul and Hannahan add to the 3 we know for sure and wonder where the late inning power threat is going to come from.

Maybe it's just me, but I'd take a flier on Abreu out of those options. I mean he might be 50 years old, but he has Julio Franco written all over him.
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Tanner;2276363; said:
They must be pretty confident he's never going to put it together for whatever reason.

But back to the Reds

Their offense is going to take a legit step forward this year as long as Dusty doesn't hit Cozart 2nd

arizona's been beyond desperate for a shortstop, and blew their wad to get one. nothing more. they really got played a bit as cleveland was trying to pry away two of skaggs, baur, and corbin from them, so when they only had to part with one, they shot their wad. the trade is really a win for both the reds and indians.
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