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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)

Jaxbuck;2276247; said:
Assuming Choo deal goes down, for the first time in what feels like 1000 years the Reds have a living breathing MLB caliber player at every position AND good pitching.

Think of how epic the fail is going to be for the next 4-5 years.

It will be like the Dunn and Griffey years only worse.
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Jt4prez;2276227; said:
Honestly, keeping Stubbs would not have been the end of the world. Last year Choo hit .199 vs LHP. Stubbs hit .283 vs. LHP. Heisey should be able to spell Choo when needed though.

Regardless of the above splits, Choo is exactly what we needed-- a high OBP guy at the top of the order. Hopefully he can provide average defense in CF. Overall, I really like this trade, even if Choo is a free agent at years end.

This team did pretty well vs. LHP last year. They sucked donkey balls against RHPs though.
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jlb1705;2276275; said:
This team did pretty well vs. LHP last year. They sucked donkey balls against RHPs though.

Plus, historically, Choo has not been bad vs. lefties and still had a .318 OBP vs. lefties last year. Stubbs was only better by .006 (to do the math for you, his OBP vs. lefties was .324).

Historically, Choo's LH splits are .249/.338/.358. He is only 30, so he could easily rebound to similar numbers. Stubbs is better vs. lefties, but there are many more righties in the league, the Reds have plenty of right handed hitters, and Choo is light years better than Stubbs vs. right handers. Plus the guy batting behind Choo normally kills left handers, so no matter what the pitcher there should be high OBP guys in front of Votto.
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scott91575;2276289; said:
it looks like the Reds got their new Cairo/Valdez. Can play everywhere and can't hit worth a shit.

If futility infielders could hit they would be starters.

The one bench guy I'd still like to see upgraded is Xavier Paul. I don't have anyone specific in mind but there has to be some scrappy vet/5th OF type who can put some late inning, LH fear into the other team.

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Jaxbuck;2276293; said:
If futility infielders could hit they would be starters.

The one bench guy I'd still like to see upgraded is Xavier Paul. I don't have anyone specific in mind but there has to be some scrappy vet/5th OF type who can put some late inning, LH fear into the other team.


I don't expect him to OPS .900, but over .600 would be nice. A player like Wilson Betemit, or hell, what is Jerry Hairston Jr. doing these days? I can probably name off the top of my head 10 better utility guys, and probably find more than 15. My only hope is Donald gets somewhat back to his previous form, which is more like what I would expect.

oh, and I am fine with Paul.
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scott91575;2276299; said:
I don't expect him to OPS .900, but over .600 would be nice. A player like Wilson Betemit, or hell, what is Jerry Hairston Jr. doing these days? I can probably name off the top of my head 10 better utility guys, and probably find more than 15. My only hope is Donald gets somewhat back to his previous form, which is more like what I would expect.

oh, and I am fine with Paul.

I just like the fact we are to the point where our primary bitch is with the bench. :biggrin:
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