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Reds Tidbits (2013 Season)

So when Stubbs turns it around in Cleveland will the Reds finally shitcan Jacoby?!? One can only hope and dream. Then the Reds will have a shot at sniffing the World Series.

Love the Choo trade. By midseason Hamilton will be up anyway so then we do some real damage on the bases as well.
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Bestbuck36;2276451; said:
So when Stubbs turns it around in Cleveland will the Reds finally shitcan Jacoby?!? One can only hope and dream. Then the Reds will have a shot at sniffing the World Series.

Love the Choo trade. By midseason Hamilton will be up anyway so then we do some real damage on the bases as well.

no he won't
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Mr. White learns of Reds trade. Choo? Shin-soo Choo? Toby? Toby Wong? Toby Wong. Toby Chung? Fucking Charlie Chan. I got Madonna's big dick coming out of my left ear, and Toby the Jap... I don't know what - comin' out of my right.
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CookyPuss;2276523; said:

Mr. White learns of Reds trade. Choo? Shin-soo Choo? Toby? Toby Wong? Toby Wong. Toby Chung? Fucking Charlie Chan. I got Madonna's big dick coming out of my left ear, and Toby the Jap... I don't know what - comin' out of my right.

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Jaxbuck;2276691; said:
The WB's are officially fucked.


I hope Dee Gordon has something else lined up to pay him a lot of money for being fast.

Reds fans, allow me to introduce Jake Lemmerman. He is the Schumaker for the next generation. A guy who has little talent, but for some unknown fucking reason will become a solid hitter and a thorn in the Reds side for years to come.
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ochre;2276709; said:
from the mlb twitter feed:

When I first saw this I only could see the first picture. I then thought "oh please god, I hope this does not go horrible wrong bycalling someone in the Reds bullpen a monkey." Then I scrolled down and let out a sign of relief with a slight chuckle. I completely forgot about the meme when I first read it.
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Jaxbuck;2276379; said:
Ok I got to thinking about the bench;

Mesoraco -back up C........he's in
Donald -back up middle infielder......just traded for him so he's in
Heisey- 4th OF.....seems obvious

Now that leaves 2 spots and instead of a redundant all glove/no hit guy like Hanahan I say you go for offense. Here are a couple of FA vet names I'll throw out there....1year/1-2MM type of money only

Casey McGehee- 3B/1B backup and gives you RH power off the bench
Bobby Abreu- theoretically an outfielder who can still mash a bit from the LH side.

Others would include guys like Thome, Overbay or Giambi.

All in all, for all the years I've spent railing against crappy vets this is the year you go get 1 or 2 for the bench and use them for what they are good for.

I just don't like to look at the current bench with Paul and Hannahan add to the 3 we know for sure and wonder where the late inning power threat is going to come from.

Surprised this has not been mentioned here, but the Reds have their other infield utility player. Hannahan was signed today. So much for a real hitter off the bench. I am pretty sure the bench is set with Hannahan, Donald, Heisey, Mesaraco, and Paul.

Oh well, at least they have 2 lefties off the bench and solid gloves for the most part.
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scott91575;2276716; said:
Surprised this has not been mentioned here, but the Reds have their other infield utility player. Hannahan was signed today. So much for a real hitter off the bench. I am pretty sure the bench is set with Hannahan, Donald, Heisey, Mesaraco, and Paul.

Oh well, at least they have 2 lefties off the bench and solid gloves for the most part.

The Dodgers DFA'd Scott Van Slyke tonight to make room for Skip F.

I would bring that kid in for competition if nothing else. Ton of potential, plays 1B and both corner OF. He gets it together and you have a steal.
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