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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

scott91575;1690151; said:
Something I didn't notice until now...what is the deal with teams off on a Tuesday in the middle of a series? I haven't checked the schedule, but is that an early season thing only? Is it due to the Tuesday after a teams Monday home opening day has bad attendance?

It's definitely an early season thing. My impression is that it is to help with rescheduling or rain outs - particularly for Opening Day or home openers.
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jlb1705;1690163; said:
It's definitely an early season thing. My impression is that it is to help with rescheduling or rain outs - particularly for Opening Day or home openers.

I suppose that makes some sense since if there is a rainout on opening day that is a packed house of rain checks. Of course teams that opened at home last Friday just get screwed. So I guess it's a combo of rain outs and piss poor home attendance if it's a weekday following opening day. The crazy games owners play.
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jlb1705;1690170; said:
I'd include Owings with Cordero so far. And even Cordero was very shaky Friday vs. the Cubs.

True, I sometimes forget about Owens being a bullpen guy. Masset had that one huge blowup, but has been perfect since then. Rhodes has been ok, but giving up the HR vs. the Cubs makes him look bad. Yet Lincoln, Ondrusek, and Hererra have been terrible to god awful. Ondrusek will probably be sent down replaced by either Fisher or Reineke. Hererra should just be a loogy or a blowout guy. Lincoln, well, he would have to be waived so I expect the Reds to give him a few more chances. Yet I don't expect that to get much better.
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Speaking of Owings, WTF is The Dusty pinch hitting Hernandez for his ass late in the game with the bases fucking juiced? Let Owings go all Jonny Gomes on their ass!

Then I remembered who we're talking about, so nevermind.
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schwab;1690175; said:
Speaking of Owings, WTF is The Dusty pinch hitting Hernandez for his ass late in the game with the bases fucking juiced? Let Owings go all Jonny Gomes on their ass!

Then I remembered who we're talking about, so nevermind.

On top of that Owings was pitching well, and Cordero had pitched the two days prior. The Reds are not off until Monday, and Cordero has now pitched 3 games in a row. I would have taken the chance with Owings at the plate and on the mound.
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Echoing Jax's thoughts, we might as well just plan on idiocy being the party line.

I used to joke with my friends about getting a car-load and heading down to Cinci mid-season to try out for the bullpen, but we missed the boat... we should have been trying out for manager the whole time.

I mean, I'm dominating a winner's only league in fantasy baseball, am I more ruh-tarded than Baker?

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jlb1705;1690165; said:
This begs the question... What's the cure for Reds Fever?
a.) penicillin
b.) west coast road trip
c.) more cowbell
West coast road trip. It's always the west coast road trip. What's fucking hysterical is that the Reds actually seem to do OK on the east coast road trips, and the east coast teams (excepting Washington) are generally all a lot better.

As for the pen, it'd be really nice to get Burton back. Say what you will about the heart burn Stormy Weathers was certain to cause, but there was no denying that having Rhodes, Weathers, Burton and Cordero to cover 7-8-9 last season took a huge load off of everybody else. Right now they're only playing with half of that, and it shows.
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I hadn't been aware that Burton was suffering from health/fitness issues again. I was hoping he'd be the guy we'd see when Ondrusek gets shipped out, but that's not going to be the case since he's on the AAA disabled list right now.
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