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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

Jaxbuck;1706119; said:
Nix being hurt really shows how scary thin the bench is (Cairo).

I like the guy's idea over at RZ to try and work out a way to pry the disgruntled Hanley Ramierez away from Florida. You make that happen and fix the bench later.

Whole farm system not named Chapman would be my offer.

been saying this for a couple weeks here at work. my buddies think Im crazy...good to know Im not alone...:biggrin:
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I would deal anyone in the farm system for Hanley Rameriz...I might think twice about Chapman but in the end I think I would do it...

A guy like that at SS make us a contender...He is a better hitter than anyone on our team, and in GABP he is a masher...

A middle of the Order of Votto, Rameriz, Rolen, and Bruce is scary scary good...

Never going to happen but it is fun to dream...
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Kawakami is 0-6. Needs to get off the schnide tonight.
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Getting a motivated Hanley Ramirez immediately puts this team right there in terms of World Series contenders, IF the pitching holds up.

They are still one piece away (I think although they have surprised me so far)....and they need another bat....
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BigWoof31;1706312; said:
J-Hey and Chipper having good nights. Harang is your #5 starter right?

Should be a different game tomorrow when we face the rookie

Actually, he's the Reds' nominal ace. He started opening day even though he hasn't been good for three years. He also cashes an ace paycheck.

Realistically though, he's the team's #5 starter and it's not close. I think it should be an easy decision that when Volquez or Chapman is ready that Harang needs to be moved to the 'pen or DFA'd. Knowing the Reds though he'll still be here and they'll do something with Bailey or Leake.
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The Braves have inexplicably bat for their pitcher. The Reds had no clue against him and he had only thrown 79 pitches. I hope they can touch up the Braves' bullpen - they're going to need to stop hacking at every first pitch if that's going to happen though.
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It puzzles me how the team can look so impatient and lost at the plate for 6-7 innings and then start putting together strings of great at-bats in the late innings.

Come on, Bruuuuce.

Damn. Tough night for Jay.
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