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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

crazybuckfan40;1706424; said:
we were only playing for one at that point, and we had our hottest hitters coming up and we all know how Bphil likes the double play...
Agree. Not losing that runner is a critical point. I do see a difference between playing for one in innings 1-7 versus playing for one in the 8th or 9th of a tie ballgame. You have Phillips bunt Cabrera over and you've got two outs remaining for the sluggers in the middle of the order to drive him in with a knock, and you also eliminate the possibility of a DP.

I had bigger problems with Votto not swinging at meatballs in his at bat than Phillips bunting.
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Exiting game. Interested to get a look at your rookie starter today, I hear good things.

Was pretty impressed by Rhodes - he had our guys baffled in the late innings.

Phillips is an awesome weapon, for a young team he has to be considered untouchable, no?

FWIW - I hate these two game series, its either a sweep or a spilt and I feel cheated with the unbalanced schedule that we won't see Cincy in Atlanta again till next season.
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BigWoof31;1706490; said:
Phillips is an awesome weapon, for a young team he has to be considered untouchable, no?

He's flashy in the field, but can be thoroughly exasperating at times.

EDIT - In other words, I would take offers.
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Grand Slam for Joey Votto in an 8-run 2nd inning that is still going. Even all of these runs have come after Mike Leake batted w/ 2 outs and worked a 3-2 count before hitting a single up the middle. Even Miguel F. Cairo got involved with a bases loaded RBI single.

Votto has to be an All-Star this year. I don't care about Howard or Pujols or whoever else you want to name. Votto has to be in that mix.
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2-base error, single, no outs? No sweat. Leake gets a strikeout and a double play to avert damage. Kid looks like a vet out there.

BTW, the Braves announcers on MLB Network were calling for Bruce's error in that inning to be scored a double for some reason. It wasn't a routine play by any means, but very makeable.
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Good thing for the big lead, because the defense is rather brutal today.

Bases loaded and nobody out for Heyward, and he grounded it to Votto. It took a funny hop, and Votto made an off-balance throw to 2nd. It was catchable, but it sunk enough to handcuff Cabrera and get through him. One run would've scored on a ground out anyway, but they got another when the ball went through. Leake bounced back nicely after that though, striking out Chipper Jones and then getting another grounder to Votto that was executed perfectly for a 3-6-1 DP.

Reds lead 9-3 thru 5 innings.
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