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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

jlb1705;1706362; said:
Especially when it's Brandon Phillips vs. a LHP.

Small ball in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing but blindly following the spaulding guidebook without thinking about some of it is shortsighted at best.

Giving away outs with non pitchers to "get em over" is one such case. I know the case to be made for playing for 1 run late but its not the optimal use of your 27 outs.
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DGADBTWSOM;1706407; said:
Marlins up 4-0 in the top of the ninth against the Cards. Looks like we might spend another day at the top.
Looking forward to Leake pitching tomorrow.

Now 5-0.

5-1 final

Princess Albert hits into DP with 2 on and 0 out in the 9th
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