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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

The downside to having "experienced players" or "a veteran presence" is that usually means all of your really good players need the afternoon off when you have a day game following a night game, because they're old.
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Dryden;1705743; said:
The downside to having "experienced players" or "a veteran presence" is that usually means all of your really good players need the afternoon off when you have a day game following a night game, because they're old.

at least we arent clogging the bases
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Nice recovery by HB. Gets through 7, will exit with 110 pitches (71 strikes) with the Brewers leading 2-1. Another quality start. Reds need to get on the board in the bottom of the 7th with the lineup turning over.
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Holy shit. Rolen with a 2-run PH HR in the bottom of the 9th, Heisey doubles, Phillips walks, and Votto gets the game winning hit, tagging Hoffman for 3 runs to win another in their last at bat. :lol:
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