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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

Dryden;1705520; said:
After the series with the Mets to start the month the Reds sat at 14-14. Masset and Owings each had recorded 3 Ws, while Leake had 2 and the rest of the starters 1 or 0. Since that series, Reds starting pitchers are 8-2 over the last 10 games, recording all the decisions. 9 consecutive quality starts.

so what are you trying to say?
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Dryden;1705510; said:
What's the gamecast have for both Votto and Phillips overrunning 2nd base and making outs in inning when the Reds could have otherwise had bases loaded with one fewer out?

The Reds might lead the majors in going 1st-to-3rd on a single, but they're leading the majors in getting caught in no-mans'-land on doubles thrown to infielders behind them too.

I think Votto was trying to draw the cutoff thinking no one was covering second base. The RF came in to cover 2nd base, and who knows what the 3rd base coach was doing. I was not too worried about that one. The Phillips base running error was terrible. Certainly the 3rd base coach was throwing up the stop sign, and Phillips had to see the runner ahead of him slow up. No excuse for that one.
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Dryden;1705527; said:
Homer Bailey is due for a turd tomorrow.

Already predicted it with my local book. I'd be very happy to see him go 6 today with 3 or less runs. In reality he's our #5, no question. If he throws better than that today, he deserves a kegger from the position guys.

As long as Bruce, Votto, Phillips and Rolen keep producing we can actually score some runs believe it or not. When Stubbs and Gomes, who is actually becoming a dangerous hitter, provide more runs this team is pretty dangerous.

Wow, it felt really good to type that just now.
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Cincinnati Reds sign Cuban outfielder Felix Perez to minor league deal - ESPN

Cuban defector likely to start at Class A

CINCINNATI -- The Reds have signed outfielder Felix Perez to a minor league contract, two years after he defected from Cuba.

The 25-year-old Perez was suspended for a year by Major League Baseball for falsifying age records when he was negotiating with the New York Yankees. The Reds gave him a $550,000 signing bonus.

The Reds plan to send Perez, currently in the Dominican Republic, to their spring training base in Goodyear, Ariz., to get a better feel for where he fits. He's likely to start at Class A.

Cincinnati signed left-hander Aroldis Chapman, also a Cuban defector, earlier this year.
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Brandon Phillips's error last night ended a streak of 11 games without an error for the team, the longest streak for the Reds since 1997. The Reds also cut down two Brewers at home plate last night, which gives them four runs eliminated with plays at home plate in their last three games.
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brodybuck21;1705699; said:
2-0 Milwaukee top of 1.

braun homers
fielder doubles
mcgehee singles

The Crew has Parra on the mound, so walks, hit batsmen, and a timely 3 run jack are all probably in order for the Reds. Don't fret early.

Hats off to the Reds, BTW, they have been playing some good baseball of late.
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Bucklion;1705701; said:
The Crew has Parra on the mound, so walks, hit batsmen, and a timely 3 run jack are all probably in order for the Reds. Don't fret early.

Hats off to the Reds, BTW, they have been playing some good baseball of late.

lol i hope so. Parra walked Heisey to start the bott 1 but then struck phillips out looking.
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Gomes batting cleanup today FYI. Rolen getting rest with Janish at 3rd. Means we have to keep this game low scoring to have a better chance and win with pitching, defense.

hehe, and as I typed that Gomes doubles in Heisey and moves to 3rd on the throw home. Kid is really coming into his own right now. 2-1 Brewers still in the 1st.
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