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Reds Tidbits (2009 season)

BuckeyeNation27;1513818; said:
The White Sox got Alex Rios from the Jays for nothing....they're just dumping his enormous contract. He's calling Kenny Williams stupid for doing it.

Apparently you can win in MLB without spending money. That's how the Yankees do it.

Thank God the Sox game just started so I can switch over.
You do need to spend money...just not overspend. Rios' contract falls into the "overspend" category IMO. He's gonna be due 8 figures over the next several years and I don't think he's much more than an average player. Lot of talent, just doesn't utilize it well. Maybe a change of scenery will help, but that seems like a bad move to me.
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Report: Arroyo, Harang clear waivers | Cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com

A report by FoxSports.com that said Reds right-handed starters Bronson Arroyo and Aaron Harang have cleared trade waivers. The report, by Jon Paul Morosi, cited "major-league sources."
Jocketty was asked about the report before Monday's Reds-Cardinals game, as the GM watched batting practice here at Busch Stadium.
"That's confidential information. We won't discuss it," Jocketty said.
Harang is under contract next season for $12.5 million, Arroyo for $11 million. The Reds hold options on both for 2011.
The Reds may need to pay a portion of the money in order to move either pitcher. Arroyo is 32 years old, Harang 31.

Are the Reds looking to shed salary?

"No," Jocketty said.

Then, after a short pause:

"We're looking to improve the club."
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NFBuck;1513947; said:
You do need to spend money...just not overspend. Rios' contract falls into the "overspend" category IMO. He's gonna be due 8 figures over the next several years and I don't think he's much more than an average player. Lot of talent, just doesn't utilize it well. Maybe a change of scenery will help, but that seems like a bad move to me.

The Reds could stand to spend a lot more money on "average" players and a lost less on any given year's worst player in the league.
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Bucky Katt;1514025; said:
WT runs face first into the wall. Knocked out? Nope. Concussed? Nope. Woozy enough to leave the game? Nope. The man's fucking invincible. :bonk:
If Jerry Hairston Jr did the same thing he would have exploded into a million little pieces.
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Bucky Katt;1514153; said:
Ditto for Freel. Griffey would have broken his hip on the way out to his position.

Which reminds me of the one great thing I'll always remember Norris F Hopper for. Having the presence of mind to put the ball in Freel's nearly cold dead hand after his last great wall assault to get the out. That was just priceless.
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NFBuck;1513947; said:
You do need to spend money...just not overspend. Rios' contract falls into the "overspend" category IMO. He's gonna be due 8 figures over the next several years and I don't think he's much more than an average player. Lot of talent, just doesn't utilize it well. Maybe a change of scenery will help, but that seems like a bad move to me.

Think about it this way though (and this came from a Cubs fan on all things at work)

Jermaine Dye is now expendable. Alex Rios may like the bandbox that is Cellular field (it's Cellular right?) and he can play the outfield.

If Dye's contract comes off of the books after this season (I think he's an FA here too right?), then it's essentially break-even in terms of money (a million here or there won't break the White Sox)....
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1 fucking game.

The guy didn't even make it through 1 fucking game.

3 at bats after we trade prospects and take on payroll for the dickhead he gets beaned. Now he's running around giving the "I'm Batman" answer to the concussion tests and we still don't have a decent 3B.

This franchise is absolutely cursed.
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