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Reds Tidbits (2009 season)

Reds traded Weathers today to the Brew-has, looks like we got this guy:


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I'm such a glutton for punishment, but I'm back on the radio listening to Marty being a whiny little shit. 1 run in the top of the inning is disappointing, but 1 run in the bottom of the inning is such a horrible thing to give up.

How the hell did this asshole get into the Hall?
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BuckeyeMike80;1513798; said:
Why are they pitching to Pujols with a guy who was just activated? :shake:

I'm sure there is some unwritten rule The Dusty is thinking of that says its disrespectful to someone to do something smart. Hank Aaron told him so.
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BuckeyeNation27;1513818; said:
The White Sox got Alex Rios from the Jays for nothing....they're just dumping his enormous contract. He's calling Kenny Williams stupid for doing it.

Apparently you can win in MLB without spending money. That's how the Yankees do it.

Thank God the Sox game just started so I can switch over.

What he wants the White Sox et al to follow the Royals/pirates/Reds/Padres example?


I think all these long summers without any hope in the pennant race is getting to him.
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