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Reds Tidbits (2009 season)

BuckeyeMike80;1510413; said:
BTW, for whatever it's worth I think this team is a bit better overall than the current 7 game losing streak and the .429 winning percentage. I am starting to think that maybe this team has quit on Dusty finally though.
Lets check the roster ...

No Bruce. No EE (or even Rolen). No Ramon. No Dickerson. No Volquez. No Owings. No Burton. No Lincoln.

Plus they've played most of the year with A-Gon being held together by duct tape, Phillips playing with a broken thumb, and Votto can't fucking see straight.

They should just send in a film crew and call it Major League 4.

Really. Does Louisville still have a team? Because I think everybody moved to Cincinnati.
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Jaxbuck;1510409; said:
You might get an .820 from Rolen, the question is over how many games? What if Bruce is the complete bust in 2010 he has been so far in his career?

Unless something else comes out about the money significantly different than what we have heard to this point there is no way to look at this trade as a positive. You don't take on salary and give up prospects for Rolen at this stage of his career. Especially when the market is over valuing prospects like crazy right now.

I have no issue with Rolen (other than his age, bad back and salary) I simply think Walt 1) over paid big time 2) got himself into situation where he gave up leverage for no good reason. Why allow yourself to feel the pressure of the deadline for a team in the Reds spot? If you think Rolen is part of the plan going forward then fine, get him this off season, he would still be there and then you can pay a more reasonable price. Whats left of 2009 means nothing.

Walt sold his prospects low and bought his aging vet high. Dumb business move period.

And don't even get me started about why you make this move for 2010 when they had to have known they would be without Volquez. What the fuck good does Rolen do for this team with a whole season of even worse pitching next year?

I have been saying for years that every season they delay the needed complete tear down is just another season added to this pathetic string of losing. Here we are in 2009 and its the same old shit.

Scott Rolen by himself does exactly dick for this team in the next couple of years and how much longer than that do you think he'll be any good? What he does is completely gridlock the payroll for 2010 so now you have 3 options:

1) Stand pat with what you have because you obviously brought Rolen in to win now. Moving any of the dead weight salary blows holes in your MLB team with no minor leaguers ready to step in. Fun part is this team as is right now sucks donkey balls and will be worse in 2010 without Volquez.

2) Add to payroll significantly for 2010 to bring in some talent while this self induced Rolen window is open. I'll believe that shit when I see it.

3) Wait for 2011 when you (hopefully) get Volquez back and a lot of the bad Krivsky contracts fall off while praying to God some of the minor league talent is ready by then. This doesn't jive with the win now mantra and requires a new contract extension for Rolen after his age 35 season. Lather, rinse and repeat.

I hate to always have to take the negative side of things but 2 plus 2 is 4. This trade made no sense.
Think positive.

The Rolen trade is Walt bringing in former Cardinals to lure LaRussa.
The Rolen trade is Walt bringing in former Cardinals to lure LaRussa.
The Rolen trade is Walt bringing in former Cardinals to lure LaRussa.
The Rolen trade is Walt bringing in former Cardinals to lure LaRussa.
The Rolen trade is Walt bringing in former Cardinals to lure LaRussa...
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Dryden;1510500; said:
Think positive.

The Rolen trade is Walt bringing in former Cardinals to lure LaRussa.
The Rolen trade is Walt bringing in former Cardinals to lure LaRussa.
The Rolen trade is Walt bringing in former Cardinals to lure LaRussa.
The Rolen trade is Walt bringing in former Cardinals to lure LaRussa.
The Rolen trade is Walt bringing in former Cardinals to lure LaRussa...

He brings Duncan with him and I'll start to think any of this is positive.
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Bob Castradillini said:
Reds CEO Bob Castellini said Wednesday that manager Dusty Baker?s job is safe.

?Absolutely,? Castellini said.

He said Baker will be back for 2010 ? the final year of his contract ? as well.

?Absolutely,? Castellini said.

The Reds had lost eight straight and 14 of 15 games going into Wednesday?s tilt with the Chicago Cubs. They were tied for last place in the National League Central with Pittsburgh.

?The team has not quit,? Castellini said. ?They are still playing hard.?
Baker is owed $4 million on his contract.

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If I allow myself to think about how far this once proud franchise has fallen I would be in a constant state of depression.

There must be something like the Pro Sports City Plague going on in Cinci. I hope it doesn't affect the Bearcats. I would love to have the job of trying to rebuild the Reds and I would do it at a fraction of the cost that they pay the GM. Jesus how hard can it be to make this team competitive at the least?
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ArmyVet83;1511293; said:
If I allow myself to think about how far this once proud franchise has fallen I would be in a constant state of depression.

There must be something like the Pro Sports City Plague going on in Cinci. I hope it doesn't affect the Bearcats. I would love to have the job of trying to rebuild the Reds and I would do it at a fraction of the cost that they pay the GM. Jesus how hard can it be to make this team competitive at the least?

How to be a better GM than anything the Reds have seen in years:

1) Run an internet poll to get multiple solutions to any personnel situation. If the IP address is from northern KY it gets half a vote. Banana phone callers and Reds media members are prohibited.

2) Write all possible solutions on a scrap of paper and affix to spinning wheel.

3) Inebriate a one eyed chimp named Jojo, spin him around in a chair then let him throw a dart at the spinning wheel.

4) Implement the plan outlined on whichever piece of paper he hits with no fear of doing worse than the near legally retarded fucksticks that have gone before him.

My campaign slogan is simply; "Jojo the circus chimp for GM. He can't be any fuckin' worse."
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c-rowbuckeye;1511932; said:
Eh, could be the Pirates.

The season isn't over yet.

We are playing 2 games over our Pythag, they are playing 5 games under.

Team pitching VORP

Team hitting VORP
Cincy: 38.6
Pitt: 97.7

They score more runs per game and allow fewer runs per game than the Reds do. I wouldn't bet against them passing us this year. In fact the odds say they will.
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Jaxbuck;1511988; said:
The season isn't over yet.

We are playing 2 games over our Pythag, they are playing 5 games under.

Team pitching VORP

Team hitting VORP
Cincy: 38.6
Pitt: 97.7

They score more runs per game and allow fewer runs per game than the Reds do. I wouldn't bet against them passing us this year. In fact the odds say they will.

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Not that the Reds will seriously consider this one, but if they could, get John Smoltz and have him available to guys like Cueto and Bailey and even Volquez next year and all of the younger guys who can learn things off of him.

In a bandbox like GABP, learning the split might be a good idea AND given that Smoltz is one of the 5 best pitchers in the past 20 years, it can't hurt to have that kind of experience around.

That said, the Reds will sign Pete Harnisch's ghost or something.
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BuckeyeMike80;1512361; said:
Not that the Reds will seriously consider this one, but if they could, get John Smoltz and have him available to guys like Cueto and Bailey and even Volquez next year and all of the younger guys who can learn things off of him.

In a bandbox like GABP, learning the split might be a good idea AND given that Smoltz is one of the 5 best pitchers in the past 20 years, it can't hurt to have that kind of experience around.

That said, the Reds will sign Pete Harnisch's ghost or something.

Not consider it, are you nuts? It wouldn't shock me if they traded every decent minor leaguer we have for a guy like Smoltz then sign him to a massive contract extension.
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